View Full Version : Freaking out over vision

27-06-08, 19:05
So last weekend I was just sitting down when my vision went weird, kind of blurry and unfocused, kind of removed but at the same time I'm more aware of the edges of my vision. It reminds me of when I get migraines but not as severe but it's all the time at the moment. Sometimes I'm fine, and I just carry on but then I'll get aware of it and keep trying to analyse what I'm seeing to see if my vision is right. Then I start freaking out and it seems to get worse. I went to the opticians about a month ago before this happened and everything was fine apart from the need for slightly stronger glasses.

I'm just really getting anxious about it all, and I'm wondering if this is just anxiety or if I need to go back to the opticians.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm trying to stay calm but it's getting really hard.

27-06-08, 19:36
It could be your eyes still adjustimg to your new speca my last new pair took a good month before the head ache, eye ache went away. I do have low b12 which also affected my vision when it was at it's worst.

27-06-08, 22:24
I don't know, because I haven't been wearing the new ones, and this happened suddenly, like one moment I was fine and the next it was like I'd taken a step back from everything.

I'm trying very hard not to google this.

27-06-08, 22:26
Hi I have problems with my vision for a long time now and have been to opticians and eye doctor and all say it is nothing to worry about. I have loads of floaters and my vision is just not right but very hard to explain. I am sure it is the anxiety which I know is hard to except. you could always make an appt with your optician.

Take care

30-06-08, 08:49
I have this exact same problem. I have been looking over all the posts on vision on this website, and this one has come close to what I have been experiencing.

The vision problem started awhile after all my other anxiety issues. I am currently taking Xanax, but the feeling of disconnection and the vision problems are still here. It makes it difficult to concentrate.. Especially in places with flourscent lighting. I've had a cat scan and haf doctors check my eyes, but they said everything was fine. I need to go to an optomitrist if this keeps up!

17-07-08, 10:02
I'm so glad someone else has the same issue. Well not happy for you, because it's so unpleasant. But anyway, flourest lighting and things which involve a high ocontrast of colour are really hard for me at the moment. Plus bright sunlight seems more intense and makes me head feel strange.

I'm so scared it's something more, like constantly scared 24/7, but I guess hearing that you are having the same problem without it being anything serious is reassuring. I hope you manage to get it all sorted out. I'm going to the opticians today, so I guess I'll see what happens. Currently terrified that they'll tell me it's something serious or I won't feel reassured by the optician.

milly jones
17-07-08, 10:04
u on meds hun, has the dose changed?

my meds affect my vision when dose changes. temp tho

milly xxx

17-07-08, 10:11
No, I'm not, got offerred meds but I didn't take them.

milly jones
17-07-08, 10:26
ok sorry hun

17-07-08, 10:26
I have always been plagued with visual disturbances, I get floaters, splodges of light appearing, blurring - sometimes I see what I can only describe as lights in the pattern of my iris - like a negative photograph of my iris in my vision (has anyone else had this?). It sounds really wierd but I've always had it so I know deep down that it is normal for me.

It freaks me out when I am anxious though, they really bother me and I focus in and I obsess about them, but when I am not anxious I don't really notice them.

I have been to many doctors about it over the years and nothing is wrong - nothing bad as ever happened. If your docs and opticians say you are fine then I think you should believe it, they know what they are looking for if it is something to worry about.

Hope this reassures you a little :)
Jo x

17-07-08, 10:34
Milly: No problem, thanks for the reply. -hugs-

It does actually, thank you. I have found that when I'm not thinking about it I'm kind of okay but once I start focusing and obssessing over them it seems to get worse and more noticeable, so then I start getting more and more anxious.

Thank you for reply :D