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21-04-05, 23:17
I just came back from the doc and he said to take Rivotril, anyone has info on it? i heard it works.. i just took my first pill ( half of it) a few mins ago.

Hi i'm John

21-04-05, 23:39
wow this thing is a beauty, i just took it and already feel very relaxed i hope its just not my impression

Hi i'm John

22-04-05, 10:54
hi John

no i have not heard of it but someone here will have, hey even if its just your imagination dont knock it its still working isnt it,

hope you keep getting better take care

kairen x

22-04-05, 14:36
Its a benzodiazepine similar to Valium.

Its doing its job. Are you eating yet ?


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

22-04-05, 15:20
I was able to eat a yogurt pretty quick.. before even yogurts i had trouble with so it seems like its working a lil, i'm going to work now and gonna try to eat in the street some real food wish me luck

Hi i'm John

22-04-05, 15:21
hiya can u tell me the other name 4 it, i'm a pharmacy tech maybe i can help x

22-04-05, 15:24
It's a benzodiazepine similar to Valium.

Its Clonazepam (Roche)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

22-04-05, 15:38
hiya again, yes it belongs in the same group as benzodiazepine but can also b treated 4 some forms of epilepsy. it is also used in the treatment of anxiety and insomnia. usually works within an hour.don't drink alcohol as it may increase the sedative effect. my advice would b to read the paitent information leaflet iif u have one it tell u all u need to know. x

23-04-05, 01:40
Its working great! this thing is gift from god, i feel alot more relaxed... in a better mood, and was able to eat eggs ans half of a sausage! and also ate a whole plate of mashed potatoes, before i even had trouble with mashed potatoes..in other words i had trouble with anything that wasent oure luquid..this baby is magic!

Hi i'm John

23-04-05, 10:34
hi John,

Glad to hear that it's working for you so quickly!! Must be such a relief for you. Let us know how you're getting on..

Sarah :D

26-04-05, 15:34
Its gotten alittle better, i still feel like the food is still in my throat but i dont realli panic about it, i been taking only half of a pill maybe i should take a full pill

Hi i'm John