View Full Version : Having an attack now

27-06-08, 21:49
Come on here to try and distrract myself from this attack, cant calm my breathing down, taking my rescue remedy and done the paper bag which has helped but still feel shaky and tingly.

27-06-08, 22:05
Has it passed?
Do you have anyone with you?

27-06-08, 22:08
starting to pass now, trmebling and crying but didnt want to call my husband and kids are in bed, miuch better now, thanks x

27-06-08, 22:14
Ok, I have just sent you a PM in case you didnt read the post again! So ignore that!

I know it doesnt help much, but remember that it does pass.

Take care
Moo x

27-06-08, 22:16
Yep its passed and as usual now i just feel incredibly frustrated with myself that i couldnt control it, i havent had a really bad attack in ages, but it definately helped posting on here. thanks again x

27-06-08, 22:44

Sorry to hear u had an attack. Glad u feel better now.

I had one today to, its made me feel bad for the rest of the day.


love mandie x

28-06-08, 06:42
im sorry to hear that Mandie, its just so frustrating and logical once it has passed but at the time, as usual logic goes out the window. I will be drained and tired all day today now too cos thats what it normally does too me, its like it zaps all the energy out of me. Had some great advice last night though via PM's, gonna definately try singing next time i'm having one, i havent tried that before.

Thanks for the reply.

Shone x

28-06-08, 06:48
Hi Stone

Im sorry to read your suffering with an attack, I hope you have started to calm now.
Just wanted to give you a hug:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

take care of you

28-06-08, 06:55
thanks for the reply smudgie. yes its over now, managed to fall asleep last night in the end. I was quite lucky as it wasnt an attack that went on till early hours, like some used to do.

Shone x