View Full Version : I hate Google..I really do..

27-06-08, 22:58
For the past 3 weeks I've been having problems with the molar on the back right side of my mouth it's cracked and when I went to the dentist he told me it needed to come out he wouldn't mess around with it and refered me to a oral surgeon obviously it was infected or he would have given me antibiotics and I am due for a consult with the oral surgeon on July 2nd (not to far off) well I have worked myself into a flippin tizzy because it hurts every now which goes promptly away with a one single Motrin.. can't be THAT bad if a 200 mg Motrin whisks away the pain... yeesh I feel like a little baby. Of course I started looking up "what could go wrong" on google and came across this rare (note the word rare) complication of a lower tooth infection (which they never even said I had) called Ludwig's Angina and now I have convinced myself that I have it!! (Mind you the tooth hasn't hurt much today and I'm being evaluated for TMJ as well which can cause heaps of pain as well) even though I know this I am freaking out over the almighty Google and what the search said!

Of course I've gone and given myself a grand old anxiety attack which has a lovely tightening of the throat to go with it.. which is making me think oh no my tongue is swelling up the infection is spreading what am I oing to do AHHHHHH... *sighs* I hate google.. but I'm addicted.. how do I stop?

27-06-08, 23:08
Just stop, distract yourself and exert a lot of will power. I know that's probably highly unhelpful but it's the truth. Right now I am fighting really hard to not google some symptoms I'm going through now because I know something will come up that will scare the living hell out of me.

Be strong, and if you need to chat to keep your mind off it all let me know.