View Full Version : what a life

27-06-08, 23:11
Where do I start - most of the time but getting less and less i am a confident positive contributer to society . at least thats what others see. but not today from the moment i opened my eyes im at odds with life. Feel unsure and nervous and its gotten worse during the day. Sitting here and looking at my 5yr old daughters skool photo i get feelings of panic about what i would do if anything happened to her - this is so draining!! my body legs in particular are so tense it hurts. At times i cant even say why i am panicky. i guess im looking for reassurance that there are people who get where im coming from. ta Sarahxx:wacko:

27-06-08, 23:28
Do you just get anxious when thinking about your daughter?


28-06-08, 02:55
i also get like that about my little one sometimes and i know its my head playing with me but i just could not cope if i didn't have here to go and see or ask my ex how she is every day on msn or via text or phone i miss her everday and i warrie i will get that call the one that no dad or mum wants to here.

28-06-08, 06:53
I know exactly where you are coming from, i used to feel like that with my kids, what if anything happended to them, having bad dreams where i wake up in a sweat where something has happended, that is natural, because we are here to protect our children, they are the most precious things in the world to us, its a natural feeling, unfortunately sometimes the anxiety can be more heightened than others i guess. I learnt to sit back and enjoy the children but i also dont take any chances i make sure they understand the dangers of things and hopefully they will be careful as they get older.

Shone x

28-06-08, 22:40
I hear you. I am on 17 years with panic and anxiety. I also fear for my children amongst a million other things. The best thing we can do is try and live in the moment. Concentrate on what is happening now, not the past nor the future but the moment you are in right now. Enjoy the time we spend with our loved ones.
I understand how hard that is. I struggle daily as well. But I have every hope that I will beat this and some day be free of the fear and anxiety. I hope we all will!

29-06-08, 01:05
i used to struggle with that, only it was my parents. i got over it and was fine, now i'm having trouble with thinking about that with my boyfriend. it is so hard and scary, but i know it will go away, the anxiety that is. It will happen someday, but i can't live in fear, what is the point? It will pass is all i can think and just live in the moment. I know how you feel and it really does suck! If you believe it will get better tho, it will!