View Full Version : neuralgia?

28-06-08, 01:38
Hi everyone,

I am just wondering if anyone has or thinks they have some form of neuralgia. Recently I have had just about every test under the sun (MRI and CT scans of the brain, multiple blood tests, etc) and every one has come back normal (thank God), but I am still struggling with pain that is coming from a "hot spot" on my head, close to the top of my right ear. It has been there for at least a week now. It is always uncomfortable, but there are times when the pain is so severe and searing that I think I am going to pass out. The area is very sore and warm, and touching it makes it worse. I can no longer lie on my right side because of the pain. While I have been under really bad stress for the last two months with multiple panic attacks, I don't think this pain is just from panic and anxiety. Over-the-counter meds like Advil and Motrin do not help at all. Out of desperation, I just took a Vicodin pill from a prescription my fiance got when his wisdom teeth were taken out. That has numbed the pain, but the area is still warm and "buzzy," like a downed power line or something.

Also, I am getting numbness and tingling in my right arm.

Has anyone experienced similar symptoms? I feel like I am going to go crazy from the pain or the anxiety. Any feedback would be helpful.

Thanks and have a great weekend.

28-06-08, 04:57
I have something similar. I have had pain in my right side under my ribs for over a year. It gets really painful somedays. I have had CT scans, ultrasounds, bloodwork and everything is fine. But that doesnt stop or explain the pain.
My doctor tells me that it could be my anxiety causing the pain but I believe and actually know its real. However since everything checks out ok I am not overly worried about it anymore.
If your pain is causing you alot of stress etc I would be very firm with your doctor and tell them that you need to have something done about it. Whether it be caused by something or even anxiety. It is too hard to live with something like that.
I hope things work out and get better soon.