View Full Version : what have I done wrong?

28-06-08, 16:24

What have I done wrong?:weep:

I know I’ve had a big set back and I’m trying my hardest to fight this. But I cant, I cant do anything, its as if I done something wrong while having a set back.
No-on wants to talk to me for some reason. Everyone I talk to from college is off at me, my boy friend well he doesn’t care when I’m like this, so no point in talking to him. Why? Where have I done wrong to any one? People are making fun as I’m on a higher course then them and they just take the Mick and I don’t need this as I’m already thinking about dropping out of college. Why? family are off at me, moaning that Im like this. I didnt ask for this to happen.

Its not people from here, I just want to talk and I don’t know why. I cant stop crying and I’m hurting, no-ones around that I can trust, I have tried all day to hold it all in now I’ve had to release it in one way.
It just isn’t helping my thoughts again of things I don’t need. They wont go, I cant get rid of them.

People just want to judge me and make fun of me, I have nothing anymore , I’m numb… I’m scared…. I’m Sorry…
I’m not getting at anyone in this, I just need to let it out and I don’t know how to any other way at the moment. Sorry.

I cant express myself in any other way. Im stuck…. Everything is there to come out but I cant. If I talk I hurt people that I talk too, I don’t get this. What have I done to have this? I guess loads..

N xxxx:weep: :weep:

28-06-08, 16:35
Try not to worry hun, its important to vent your feelings, what is the old saying "better out than in". I have the same problems with people close to me, nobody wants to know when I have been feeling like this, I don't think that they are being particularly cruel and unfeeling its just that they don't understand!
I thank god for the people on here, everyone does understand, and there is always someone there for you, and you can forget the what have I done to deserve this routine, I don't think anyone on here suffering from these particular problems has done anything wrong, sometimes when I am on a really bad downer, I get a bit bitter because I don't think I have done anything, to deserve all this sh*** in fact I think that the likes of us are a bit too nice and have done a bit too much to help other people sometimes. I get a bit angry sometimes that no one wants to know except for the people on here I guess that is all part and parcel of this particular thing, don't for heavens sake give up your course or anything rash like that at the moment you are probably just having a little bit of a set back.

The people I was at college with were a bit on the selfish and immature side, 20 years on I never see them, life changes, people evolve you make new friends, remember you have only one true best friend yourself! nuture yourself and treat yourself kindly.

Sorry for the ramble

Take care chuck



28-06-08, 16:56
hiya and im so sorry hun but debbie is right, sod these college people hun they not important to u, you are most important and this higher course u doing obviously means u r very clever. finish the course and make something of yourself and forget the idiots. you are worth more. find your fighting strength and just do wot u want be abit selfish it dont matter and shrug off anyone who gets in your way. keep strong hugs xxxxxx

milly jones
28-06-08, 17:34
nikki noo

i am ur friend

i try my best to be there for u when u need me

i know that quite often when we chat there are others and msn, and it becomes busy, but i do try nikk.

if u need need 1-1 i will stop and give u my time hun, u just need to tell me so i know.

you go college nikk, work hard and get the job u love. u will work with ur animals in the end as u wish.

ignore them, they are not friends nikk just acquaintences

loads hugs

mills xx

28-06-08, 18:00

What have I done wrong?:weep:

I know I’ve had a big set back and I’m trying my hardest to fight this. But I cant, I cant do anything, its as if I done something wrong while having a set back.
No-on wants to talk to me for some reason. Everyone I talk to from college is off at me, my boy friend well he doesn’t care when I’m like this, so no point in talking to him. Why? Where have I done wrong to any one? People are making fun as I’m on a higher course then them and they just take the Mick and I don’t need this as I’m already thinking about dropping out of college. Why? family are off at me, moaning that Im like this. I didnt ask for this to happen.

Its not people from here, I just want to talk and I don’t know why. I cant stop crying and I’m hurting, no-ones around that I can trust, I have tried all day to hold it all in now I’ve had to release it in one way.
It just isn’t helping my thoughts again of things I don’t need. They wont go, I cant get rid of them.

People just want to judge me and make fun of me, I have nothing anymore , I’m numb… I’m scared…. I’m Sorry…

Amnikk - you have every right to express your feelings and not be apologetic about it. Would you like to say a bit more about what the people at college have been saying to you, and how your boyfriend has reacted before, and what views your family have about your difficulties that cause them to blame you?

If you want to get it all out, there are people here who will be listening, with sympathy. It sounds like you're experiencing a form of bullying, which is something I have been through too. I'd like to know more about your situation, if it helps,


28-06-08, 18:42
when people pay your rent and bills then worry
dont worry over people them people laughing are only mugs
and remember your on the higher course so dont worrys over numb brains
thay could not get a higher course with a ladder

eternally optimistic
28-06-08, 19:48
Hi Amnik

Keep with the course, I agree with everyone above, especially London.

Finish the course and then you can go your separate ways.

Keep at it.