View Full Version : really down, please read and please forgive for the lenght

28-06-08, 19:20
Please guys don't take it against me for having another post about my stomach issues, i am really having dificulty coping right now.
I just don't know what to do. I know I am probably doing all the wrong things at the moment but I can't help myself, I feel it is stronger than me!
I have been spending days on the internet, I keep typing my symptoms in the google, but i am only looking for more cases of people feeling like me...I feel no one else possibly can feel like this and by not finding people feeling quite like me in full i only feel even worse. I keep reading the symproms section saying:
You may feel bloated or gaseous, or that there is a lump in your stomach. Sometimes you may feel like you have butterflies in your stomach or that your stomach is tight. Some people refer to it as a 'heavy' stomach.
But I can't make myself belive that this actually explains how I feel. Cause I feel this very heavy bloatedness and fullness in the area above my bellybutton to just below the sternum, which is worse after eating, for a long time after eating. And I belch. A lot. And I feel like maybe some food is left in my throat. And very occasionally I can get regurgutation wit a burp but it is not acidy at all.
And that is about it.
But it is so so uncomfortable.
I also payed money to read this:
You may feel: nausea, bloating, burning sensation in the stomach, gas, feeling like there is a lump or knot in the stomach, an uncomfortable fullness in the stomach, a tightness in the stomach, an " anxiety" stomach, a "heavy" stomach....and so on. Symptoms may come eratically or PERSIST INDEFINITELY! and all are common when anxiety is present.
So I keep reading these things, from time to time remembering my blood test results are fine and well if my stomach is giving me problems at least my liver, my kidneys, and my thyroid are fine...so i can't be in such a bad shape.
But when the fullness becomes worse I just feel like i cannot take it for another minute longer. I have tried different medicines, I even bought some herbal tablets suppose to be good in improving digestion plus i have tried aloa before and fennel... I am just lost now. I think about doctor sending me for gastroscopy or colonoscopy which he first thought coz he keeps talking about my bowels and i keep talking about my stomach. And all the time it will take. And i don't know what to do. I have these inner converstaions all the time, i mean guys you can't imagine how obssessed i am right now with my stomach and how i can't focus on anything else. I was telling myself today, listen if this was something really bad, like C, something else would start happening, you would get some warning symptoms most likely, instead of just fullness and gas. It would be getting worse, you would lose more weight, not just this little weight you lose coz you can't eat as much as you did before...I am sounding really rational here don't I? Well, that doesn't really help much...
Then I remember all the things I would wanna cry about right now, but I just don't. instead I feel like they are somehow held in there, in the pit of my stomach, in that tightness...
I have finally graduated, after dropping out when almost finished my previous degree, all because of anxiety. Well now I have finished, no more school, and that was all i have known. I am sooooo scared and so lost. I have done really well, got great grades and all the things I have dreamed of are so close now, the job i have dreamed of, and I am so so frightened...
I also miss my mom a lot, I haven't seen her for a long time, she lives in Serbia where I was born and I feel that I need her right now, but we had a fight, and I feel things between us will never be the same again. I am in a relationship she doesn't aprove and she even said she won't talk to me if i chose to be with him. Right now we talk but I know it won't last because I have no intentions of leaving him, he is my rock really. So deep inside I know I have to let go and stop being a child.
Sometimes I think it is easier to constantly focus on stomach that bothers me than on all those things but I can't believe I could feel this bad just because of it...Although anxiety have made me feel pretty bad many times before.
Thank you so much to anyone who reads this, I am sorry for my rant, but I really feel I am not making any progress and I am not coping with this really well and feel so desperate to feel better...

28-06-08, 20:19
Sometimes I think it is easier to constantly focus on stomach that bothers me than on all those things but I can't believe I could feel this bad just because of it...Although anxiety have made me feel pretty bad many times before.
Thank you so much to anyone who reads this, I am sorry for my rant, but I really feel I am not making any progress and I am not coping with this really well and feel so desperate to feel better...


Mila - you are going through changes in your life and you realise deep down that it's those things which are causing you the anxiety, with the stomach anxiety being a displacement outlet for you. Graduating and moving to a new job, and the conflict between your mother and your boyfriend which ended with her cutting you off - these are stressful and traumatic things. It's not surprising you're feeling bad.

I completely support your decision to choose whatever boyfriend you like - and your mother is (frankly) the person behaving like a child here. It may be that if you open up and tell her how you are feeling and how much you miss her, and make it clear you are not changing your mind, that she may eventually soften. But maybe you have already tried everything, and only time will tell. I would really recommend to you that you try talking to a counsellor, to get an extra source of support to whom you can unload your real concerns. I'd be willing to bet that your stomach symptoms would subside if you gave yourself a chance to discuss these changes in your life.

(If not, then maybe you have a dietary intolerance which is exacerbated by stress - you could talk to a nutritionist or something - but really, I think you've spotted what the real problem is, and I think you would find it useful to have somebody objective (a counsellor) to hold your hand through this time, someone who you can cry in front of, and let these feelings out)

You've been going through some hard times there, and bear in mind that even positive life changes (such as getting married or moving house) are among the largest stressors for any human being. So be gentle and understanding to yourself.


28-06-08, 23:34
Thanks Marginalia,
I have been seeing a counsellor from before my stomach symptoms started, I had other symptoms then...She is away on holiday right now , but she is back next week. I talk when I see her, I talked about all these things, but she seems to think I keep looking for someone else to help me get better. And she doesn't give me advice, but just talks to me. I myself feel I keep turning in circles with trying to find the way how to approach how the symptoms and the whole situation, and that I need support through it, help to stay on course, but she says that it means i am looking for solution from someone else....I cannot afford right now to go and see anyone else, coz i would have to go privately...
I do realise that the stress in my life can be the cause of what I feel, but as long as I have this other voice in my head continuously wondering how my stomach is, telling me it will never go and wondering what if it is not just anxiety, i cannot feel better. And I don't know how to deal with that...
"Nobody feels like you, feeling this bad, the gas is real, the fullness you feel is real-there must be something wrong" the voice says:scared15::weep::weep:

29-06-08, 20:59
Well, during my years of anxiety i have felt so many things, but i haven't been this low for a long time, actually i haven't ever felt this hopeless...i feel so alone, my partner is by my side and he is all i have right now but i still have to bear this damn feelings in my stomach myself. I cannot stand it anymore, i hardly eat anything but i feel like my stomach is so heavy like i ate an elephant, if i try to suck my stomach in it is difficult to do it and tender, if i try to poke it it is tender, hard...
Oh why doesn't it just finish me off if that is what it is doing i just cannot take it. I keep buying things to take for digestion, and nothing worls, why do i still spend money on it that i don't even have...i want someone to punch me in the stomach, hard....I can hardly stop the tears this afternoon, but it seems like there is so much more, so much anger that i feel because i feel this way, i feel like so many more tears i have to let out to wash it all away...
I have been to accupuncture, shiatsu, now i'm getting ready to go for colonic...if it would only help...
I don't mean to sound ungrateful,please, i have had responses on my other posts, and i am so thankful, i have also read other people's posts on bloating, but i still feel like no one has ever felt quite like me, and quite as bad as me...

01-07-08, 01:42
Hi Millie

Im really sorry you are feeling this way still,as this has been a long battle you have had.I can only imagine what you are going through at this moment in your life,but keep fighting millie.We on NMP are here to talk to you and help you through this difficult time as best we can.If you ever need to talk and are feeling low PM one of the members you know for a chat..Talking always helps.I wish you well millie and a speedy recovery.

Andy (ORION)

01-07-08, 16:27
Hi Millie
Does this sound familiar.I feel so bloated after eating that I think I will Explode and never eat again.I feel I have to force the food down or Ill loose loads of weight.It feels like a pressure, tightness,full up and no were to go feeling,every day for 4 weeks now.been to 2 docs they say im swallowing air.Its all I can think about.My chest feels tight too.Its the worst ever feeling.I know how u feel.

01-07-08, 19:52
Aww Alder i am sorry you have to go through this too...i have been scared, angry, crying, screaming, praying and don't know what else to do...
I miss enjoying food, i want to be normal again, but i can't even remember what that feels like...Well my doctor didn't even tell me I swallow air, the ones I saw before just said it is anxiety but they didn't even say i am swallowing air or anything...This one doesn't say anything for sure...
So what are we going to do, Alder, eh?
Do you feel your stomach is distended and tender when you try to press it? I feel my stomach is filled up with food even when i only had a bite...