View Full Version : Im on the scariest fairgound ride ever.

Granny Primark
28-06-08, 22:28
my panic attacks are back with avengence.
They are happening everyday and all day.
Im coping but i just dont want able to cope I need to be able to chill and relax.
I want to be able to live my life without fear of them.
I havent posted on hugs.
I need advice on how to cope with the damn things.
I want to get rid of the high levels of panic im having at the moment.
Ive got tabs from my doc to help with my psoriasis and im going swimming with my grandaughter.
But all the time at the back of my mind is the fear of panickin and not being able to drive back home.

28-06-08, 22:37

I can completely relate. I have periods where my panic feels never ending. It is a horrible condition. To feel so out of control all the time is almost like a punishment. Do you take anything at all for the panic? Are you active? Atleast 30 minutes daily of an activity that raises your heart rate? Do you do any relaxation excerises at all?
The best things for me are all the above. Whenever I feel anxiety or panic creeping up I hope on the stationary bike and blast the music. I do a good workout and then have a shower. Usually the panic has disappeared. However there are times when that does not work. So I try breathing exercises. Sometimes panic can be brought on by something as simple as shallow or overbreathing. So sit somewhere quiet, and concentrate on your breathing. Breath in through your nose so you feel your belly(not chest) rise. Then breath out through your nose right into your belly. Keep your mind focused on your breathing only. Try that for 10 minutes or so.
Again that doesnt always work. Sometimes, I need to take an ativan or clonazapam and lay down in order to stop the horrible feelings but those times are getting fewer and fewer since I have started exercising and breathing techniques.
Also sometimes just talking things out, let it all out. To someone, anyone. Usually someone that experiences the same thing helps alot. Anytime you need to chat, let me know.
Take care and I hope you are able to enjoy your time with your granddaughter

28-06-08, 22:41
Hi there,

I'm sorry to hear you're having a bad time, I was abit like that over the last week or so, when I never seemed to leave a state of panic. Its really draining, isn't it?

I used to be such a calm, placid person and I can't imagine ever being like that again.

How old is your granddaughter? Because I find kids can be a great distraction. GO SWIMMING! Whats the worst that could happen if you can't drive home? You'll have to ring someone to fetch you or get a taxi home. That kind of thought usually calms me down.

Just keep breathing, and in the car turn up the radio and have a silly sing song with your grandaughter. (She'll probably be embarassed, but if you cant act silly with your grandkids, then who can you be silly with?)

I passed this advice on to someone else, apparently singing (loudly, top of your voice) puts your breathing back into a normal rhythm.

Try and stay positive and remember it will pass. Easier said than done, I know.

Love Moo x:D

29-06-08, 11:02
Hi Grannny P,

I find when I feel really on edge that excercise of any kind does help to bring me down....its like it helps use up all that excess adrenaline thats swimming around inside.....also I try to be more aware of my breathing and the tension in my muscles cos I know I can be in a state of almost constant tension and not really be aware of it until its too late....sometimes I try and consciously 'check' my breathing and relax my muscles every hour or so (difficult sometimes but keep trying)....if the thoughts creating my anxiety wont stop and I cant talk myself round then I try and find something that will completely distract me. I find this the most difficult cos when Im preoccupied with the 'scary' thoughts sometimes no matter how hard I try my mind is only half on what Im supposed to be doing and the other half on how scared I am (but I keep trying). My psychologist once suggested picking a letter on the page of a book and then counting to see how many times that letter appears on the page lol!

Like Moo said, trying to think your fears through and following up the 'what ifs' with a strategy to deal with whatever it is can be helpful...or try and follow it through to 'the worst that can happen' and usually you can find a way of dealing with whatever it is. I know Im very bad for letting the scary thoughts in and then losing myself in the panic without even trying to rationalise it.

Anyway sorry you're feeling so bad, but you will come though this.

Hugs for you

Coni XX

29-06-08, 14:02
Hi Lynn,
I can totally relate to what you're feeling. I've been having panic attacks for more than 6 years now.
Until last year I had panic attacks every day, all day. I had no idea what to do with myself. Nothing seemed to help. I was in a really bad place. I used to take 4 types of medicine per day, the side-effects included gainig weight, depression and being tired all the time. I began therapy. And I was only 15...:weep:
Anyways, somehow I managed to pull myself together, finish High school and go to university. The symptoms seem to be gone now, but every once in a while I get very panicky, especially during summer holidays.

I want you to know that you're not alone. I used to feel all alone, but now I know that there are people who can understand what you're going hrough and that is always comforting...

As for coping with panic attacks, all I can say is that nothing ever worked for me when I was at my worst. But now, when I panic, I close my eyes, take a deep breath and hold it for as long as I can and then exhale through my nose. I also try to focus on something interesting, for example, while in a car, I look at people on the streets and thing about their clothes, personalities, what their jobs are like, etc. Sounds weird but it works! Or I just call someone on the phone. Just try shifting your attention from yourself and how you're feeling and think about something else.

Let me know if you want to talk. I may be young, but I've been through a lot panic-wise :winks:

Take care :hugs:
