View Full Version : burning the midnight oil again!

29-06-08, 01:46
Hi Folks
It's quarter to 2 in the morning and I'm feeling awful again. I was asleep and then suddenly I wasn't and lying there having hurrendous palpatations again,I felt like a horrible feeling in my throat(near to where a man's adam apple would be) and felt as though my heart was skipping beats and not beating normally. I am really sick of this now and getting scared so whether the gp thinks I'm reacting over nothing or not, I am going back and I want to have it looked at. I'm worried that because on a night when your heart beats slower when you are in bed that it isn't functioning right and me thinking it's panic-well I could be wrong couldn't I ? The body has ways of letting you know when things aren't right so I best get checked out.
I'm going to watch tv as I'm feeling bad now so bye
Mothermac xxx

29-06-08, 02:01
Hi, I have had this myself and its really scary, so I sympathise greatly with your concerns. However, if it has been a long standing problem, its unlikely to be anything serious, just a build up of stresses manifesting itself in this way, during the night its so much harder to deal with too.

29-06-08, 06:42
Hi Mothermac, hope you managed to get some sleep which may make you feel better today. Wishing you a good Sunday anyhow.

29-06-08, 06:44
A few years ago I suffered for a short while anxiety attacks (I think it was due to many family member leaving or dying).

I remember waking up at 4am with palpitations and feeling terrible. I was so scared I didn't know what to do. I couldn't tell my children as I didn't want to worry them my ex was an ex so I just sat there on the edge of the bed thinking this is it, I am going to have a heart attack like many members of my family had, had.

I then said to myself "Pull yourself together you silly woman if you give into this your life won't be your own. They are just palpitations and that feeling you have in your chest is anxiety. Now pull yourself together before I slap you"!

Then I lay back down and went off to sleep.

Try not give into it if you can, don't let it win.:yesyes:

29-06-08, 06:48
Also waking up at around about the same time can become a habit. I use to wake up on the hour, every hour to see the time. It was odd because I use to set my alarm clock so I wasn't late on duty anyway.

What I did was move the clock to a place I couldn't reach and turned it to face away from me.........it seemed to do the trick.

It was as if the brain said "no point in waking up I can't see the time anyway.":D

29-06-08, 17:47
Hiya mothermac,
i think you have to much of a build up of adrenalin in your body and you need to release this every day to feel the benifits of getting some good sleep. Exercise is the best way to get rid of this. what kind of exercise do you do? are you drinking to much tea/coffee or drinking alcohol on the evening? none of these will help and will cause palps and anxitey.
take a look at what you can change with your day/eve to help you relax more.
take care
