View Full Version : Memory & blank moments

29-06-08, 09:55

I have noticed that my memory is very poor at times & when I have blanks I get very anxious.

The other day I could not remember if my In Laws came to Christmas dinner or not, I got really upset, its as if my mind blanked off the whole afternoon. I remembered the morning but could not place the afternoon. My other half told me they did come for lunch & not to worry about it!

I have blanks after I have said things or thought things, its as if the subject has been deleted.

Also silly things like, wearing a coat & then suddenly not being able to remember what top I am wearing underneath, have total blanks.

Can anyone relate to this? & is it normal to forget things like the above? I mean, who does not remember Christmas Day!!



29-06-08, 10:03
Hi Clear!

This is completely normal for me, including being mid-conversation and forgetting completely what I am talking about. Let's hope I make it through this reply lol

I believe this is absolutley normal and common in EVERYONE. If you get anxious about it and start to fret it is probably making it worse, and because you are anxious you are focusing on it more.

Relax and try to remind yourself that this is a common human trait.

Pooh x

29-06-08, 10:10
Don't know how old you are Clearsky, but if you are middle aged like me ( as I guess you are), then it's all quite normal. I have a problem with words. I'll be in the middle of a sentence, then can't find the word I want, I know the meaning, and what I want to say, but can't fine the word. Sometimes I can't remember what I did on a particular day or I might be trying to decide what to wear, but can't remember the clothes I have. It's all quite scary, but quite normal as we get older.

29-06-08, 11:30
Hi Clearsky

I can totally relate to what you are saying, I forgot the pin number for my debit card alst week and the more I tried to remember it the more panicky I got. I use this card all the time so was totally freaked hat I forgot the pin.
Took m about 4 hours to calm down and for my daughter to confirm my pin no!!!
I think it's all part and parcel of anxiety chuck, so try not to worry too much.

Take care

Elaine x

29-06-08, 13:09
Hi, I too also have big trouble remembering things and as said above I am certain it is all part and parcel of this anxiety :blush:

Like others, I can be in mid conversation and then totally lose track of what I am saying and then stand there feeling like a complete idiot and the harder I try to remember what I was talking about...the more het up I get. I even have trouble remembering what day of the week we are on (bad huh?) and have to check the calendar in the kitchen not only for the date but for the day, although I do find it easier when the kids are at school as they seem to remember..but come holidays...everyday is the same to me!

The worse memory lose I have is the first 7 years of my daughter life (the first time I ever suffered with anxiety 19 years ago), then I was completely housebound and having god knows how many panic attacks every day and try as hard as I can..I cannot remember a thing about her growing up, or her two older brothers, from her being 3 months old until she was 7. I had this explained to me once, that apparently when something bad happens our minds way of coping is to blank it out.


29-06-08, 13:12
I also have this problem and it is increased due to fibro and thyroid issues. I'm lucky if I get out of the house all dressed, hair combed and with my car keys. Oh, and let's not forget about my teen son in tow. He would much rather remain at home listening to his i-pod or whatever else he has plugged into him at the moment, lol. Honest, it is part of anxiety and you are not alone.

Take care,


29-06-08, 13:26
I can't remember last Christmas!!!!:D

So pleased to find someone else the same. :) I was asked at the doctor's and I hadn't a clue. Apparently we took my parents to a hotel for Christmas lunch. Now I've been told, I have a vague memory of the restaurant, but that's all.

I have lists everywhere to remind me what to do. I have had a CT scan and Memory Testing by my psych. Apparently it is all down to stress and anxiety.
So I'll just have to keep writing the lists!

29-06-08, 14:32
I have this which doesn't help as I teach, I either forget what I wanted to say or can't think of the right word. I just say to poeple , I will be with you in a minute when I come back to earth.
Try no to worry it makes it worse.:hugs:

Anna C
29-06-08, 14:39

I'm so glad you posted this as I thought it was just me.
For the last year I have suffered so badly with my memory and there are times when I go completely blank.
I thought it might be my thyroid although I still haven't had it checked out yet. But I had no idea that anxiety could cause memory loss.

I'm still in my 30's so I don't want to put it down to old age just yet.:)

Take Care. Anna

29-06-08, 16:13
:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:
Fank Gawd!
Appart from the panic attacks (I knew what they were!) this particular symptom really pushed me over the edge in Feb of this year, I was terrified, I thought I had lost my mind, I began to get worse and worse and developed this irrational fear that I would go out and forget whom I was or where I lived etc etc:scared15:

I honestly thought I had developed early onset dementia or something very similar. I was in a right state, apparently when the mind is overloaded and no doubt about it anxiety sufferers minds are frantic at times we do forget things. I had the PIN number thing in the supermarket and was absolutely frantic fortunately my son works there part time and was able to tell me my PIN number, I worried and obsessed over this for about a month:scared15:

When I got really upset I confided in my elder son and son number two said you're getting old now so you are bound to get forgetful"
I am 41, I wanted to kill him! (fortunately I had forgotten where I had put the sharp objects:doh: ) Seriously I try not to worry about it too much anymore it seems lots of people on here have very similar symptoms.

just as well we keep supporting each other


29-06-08, 19:01
A lot of memory problems can be due to not getting enough sleep. Well it is in my case :weep:


30-06-08, 13:16
Thank you all so much for your helpful replies :D

It's silly I know, but you feel so alone sometimes .
I get muddled & confused as well as memory loss. It can be very scary, so it's nice to be able to share your worries with people who understand.

I thought Saturday was Sunday all day & then today, I was ironing my Son's clothes from yesterday & really believed that he had only had his clothes on for 2 mins as a change after school & then I realised afterwards, yesteday was Sunday & he had worn them all day! I get in such a fluster because I believed my thoughts to be right & when you find out they were incorrect, I panic. I am sure some kind person may be able to relate to this :) & tell me to chill out & that it's all normal.

I have been doing so much better:yahoo: thanks to all the people that have supported me on this sight. Still have worries, but trying to smooth them away.

Thank you all once again,


01-07-08, 10:16

No one has said how old they are. I am only just coming up to thirty and I have just started having this happen to me. Because I have had wierd pains in my head occassionally I worry it is a tumour or something. I have all the things mentioned such as forgetting what I'm saying mid sentance, forgetting things that happened the other day and what top I have on etc.

I know it happens as you get older as my mum and dad complain about it all the time but as I am not at all middle aged I am worried about this. Should I be?

01-07-08, 11:13
Yea ,I get this but I'm old, don't have to remember what jumper I've got on 'cos I only have one .:shrug:
Every body say aawwwe .


01-07-08, 13:00
Sorry, should have mentioned my age - 41 :)

I have noticed more, since I have had a hang up on getting muddled & memory loss/blanks, that all ages seem to forget things & use the wrong words in mid sentence.

I noticed my teenager Son not remembering what he calls " not important things" & using the wrong word in mid sentence, of course, that worried me, but my Sister & husband said its because he is a teenager & that they are in a world of growing up & hormones. I went to the chat room because I got so anxious yesterday, feel silly today:blush: . Can anyone relate to this? My husband also says that I worry about non important things & that we are not supposed to remember everything. Still, it dosnt stop you from worrying. My Sister also has a friend that has no anxiety at all,but is very forgetful.


Clear :)

01-07-08, 13:06
eah I get told all the time that I worry about things that I shouldn't worry about and that I focus on my problems and that makes me worse. I suppose I'm too inward thinking at the moment?

Some days I think ofcourse you can remember X Y Z and then the next day it's gone. I worry because I remember things that aren't important but not the things that are.

And I think the more you worry about it the worse it gets?

02-07-08, 09:30
hi clear,
i could have written your post word for word. im so glad you posted and the way you describe the memory problems is spot on. i find i am constanly checking my memory over and over and feeling edgy that i am forgetting things. also i will be thinking about something really important and then seconds later i will forget completely what i was thinking about, and search and search my memory for what it was and then 5 minutes later it will pop in my head again its so horrible and makes me feel really anxious. sometimes i will spend all day doing this random memory checking terrified im forgetting things due to some kind of dementia. and like you i will be talking away really animated and right in the middle of a conversation and i will totally forget where i was going with it or the point of the conversation. when this happens i just kind of waffle on and try nad hide it but it scraes me a lot. i also do the cant remember what top im wearing!! and if i have a lot on i find it difficult to remeber dates and put them in order in my head i get really confused and scared i will forget.
oh and i had the pin number thing too, but the worst thing was i had just bought a top, using my card and on the way out i spotted some trousers so went back to pay and couldnt remember my pin. the cashier looked at me as if i was a true loony, she said youve just used it!!!!! i had to leave the trousers and it upset me for days and days i was sure i was going mental.
take good care
kelly xxxxxxxx

02-07-08, 09:30
by the way im 35 so hope its not my age yet!!! xx

02-07-08, 12:35
kellyw thank goodness you're the same as me and only a couple of years older. There must be something to this memory and anxiety link for sure.

I think the more we focus on remembering things, the more we forget!

02-07-08, 14:08
... and then I wake up in the middle of the night and remember what I was trying to think of that afternoon and then can't get back to sleep :doh: and then to top it all off, I worry about that!!!! :scared15:

Laura xxx

02-07-08, 14:10
hi precious, i find that it is much much worse around my period?? dont know if its hormones as well as anxiety. i hate it so much, ive just been shopping and all the time i kept thinking i was gonna forget where my car was. i also get random past memories that are totally unimportant popping into my head, from years ago, does anyone else get taht. its bizarre they will be really strong past memories about absolutley stupid things. i think anxiety just messes with your brain, we get so stressed and anxious our brains just go into overdrive and through up all sorts of stuff.
take good care
kelly xxx

03-07-08, 10:35
It's such a worry I know.

Do you find that common sence & understanding goes out of the window as well? I knew I had had a new drivers liscence, but couldnt remember why until my husband said, You changed address!! & looked at me as though I was daft, simple things like this worry me, I cant seem to put two & two together. Where people find things simple to understand & remember, I cant seem to get it either, or look into it a different way & muddle it up instead of seeing things simple like other people.

I try & relax, but something always comes along & smacks me in the face to remind me that my memory & understanding of things is dreadful. Hard to believe its anxiety.


Clear :unsure:

03-07-08, 16:55
hi clear,
yes i totally know what you mean about comprehension of things. i have a couple of big weddings coming up and have lots of things to do before the big days and i am totally obsessing about everything. i feel incapable of putting time nad future events in order in my mind and get really distressed. my family nad friends will have to tell me important dates for weddings etc time and time again and i just cant log them in any order in my brain.
i also think that i dont see things as simply as other people but i wonder if its because im so bloody preoccupied with all this. just yesterday i went to change to a new dentist that has just opened in town and the lady asked me to fill out some forms, i did then asked her what happens next nad she siad come in in a couple of weeks and we will make an appointment for a checkup in october, i dont know why but it just didnt make any sense to me at all. so i said so will you call me to let me know when my app is and she rolled her eyes and said a bit louder no you come in in a few weeks and we will make an appointment for you in october. it still didnt make any sense but there was a big queue and my kids were looking at me like i was mental so i said ok and left. when we got outside i asked my daughter did that make sense to you nad she said yeh mum its simple just pop in in a few weeks bla bla bla. i cant tell you how panic stricken i felt that i seemed to have trouble grasping this simple instruction. these types of things happen all the time.
i dont know why clear but im sure glad that its not just me.
take good care
kelly xxxx

07-07-08, 13:11
thank you i am 34 and thought i was losing the plot .i suffer from agoraphobia and panic attacks .
in the last 2 years i have lost my hand bag or purse about five times now last xmas with all our present ,food money i was lucky an old couple handed it in .
last time i went to doctor he asked me about hobbies i used to enjoy when i went out .... i said i liked collecting .ah erm you now at the beach those stones ,you know i carnt think of the word , dead animals prints in stones yes i know he replied no i said what is the word (by now very upset ) fosils yes yes thats it fosils (over joyed) the rest of the conversation was also a stuggle . can no longer spell ask kid does this look right "yes mum " but to me still looks wrong .....chating to people use wrong words ... try to read to help me sleep half way through a book and i still could not tell you and charector names and have to fold page or would not reconize where i was upto ..
but at least i know its not just me know
thank you helenx

09-07-08, 13:28
Me too!

I talk to ppl and make a fool of myself (usually much worse with people in shops etc - trying to remember what I need at the chemist OTC, or at my sons nursery, teachers/mums etc) trying to string a conversation together.
Typing is hard now, I know where the keys are but my brain doesnt tally up with them anymore - like just then I went to spell anymore as enymore!?!?
Cant concentrate to read at all.

..even after relating to all these symptoms I'll still go awy and covince myself of allsorts!!

Hugs to you all! xx.

milly jones
09-07-08, 13:40
hi hun

i get this too.

funny u mentioned xmas cos thats a really stressful day for me, and those days tend to be worse for memory loss.

my doc says brain is like a jug water. most of time is just near top. with anx the tap keeps pouring water in. u cant hold it all in and some spills.

its a common sign of anx hun, that and decreased concentration.

please try and take time to relax and empty ur brain.

i love good hard walking, chatting to myself in my brain, emptying out all the worries and senarios to make my thoughts more rational.

good luck

mill xx

30-07-08, 14:29
Hi all,

just needed to talk this through, been anxious again worrying about forgeting or not remembering things. It's almost like am obsession & it really does take over.
Silly things like going to do something but a split second later my mind goes blank. I know people do this all the time, but it bothers me.

A girl in work said to me " do you remember I told you about so & so?" I told her no, she looked at me daft,I told her I must have been concentrating on something else or that she had told another group of people. Anyway, she proceeded to tell me the story & not one part registered. I am sure she had not told me the story but I got frightened that she may have, even though I'm sure she hadnt & that my memory had a total blank & so got very anxious. It was probably her mistake, but it set me off questioning my memory again.

Other silly things bother me like for instance, I opened some windows for some fresh air this morning, but when I looked just now I could have sworn I opened more or had thought about opening more but then didnt do it, but cant actually remember if I did or didnt so get worried.

When I read this back it sounds very daft, but when you have a phobia (& mine is worrying about my poor memory) it tends to get out of hand & times & is hard to ignore.

My Brother says ignore it, but I find it very hard to do.:unsure:

31-07-08, 10:08
I know what you mean. My memor thing came back yesterday. I was out in the garden and was going to go back into the house for something and in a split second I had forgotten. Terrible. I started to worry again...

31-07-08, 12:21
I also forgot my pin number that I have been using for about 10 years. I got another card with a new number. 2 days later I used the card to buy something on line and couldn't find it. I felt awful phoning up for another card 2 days later. I joked with the person on the phone about dementia but it was not a joke to me.

Yester day I collected some coat hangers for the clothes in the tumble dryer. I still can't find them today.

I sometimes forget what articles are called and have to point to them and once someone has told me the name I remember.

I did worry me for a while and I am always reading stuff about alzeimers in the newspaper. I just shurg it off now as the more I got anxious the worse I became

I think these things happen when my head is full of what I have to do. I a forever going into another room and forgetting what I came in for.

It's good to know I am not the only one.


Captain America
31-07-08, 15:02
omg i love this site. so many people with the same issues as me!

my memory problem was at its worst when i was taking xanax. are you on benzos? my memory improved after i stopped those, but i find that anything that happens while i'm experiencing anxiety stands a pretty good chance of being erased.

sometimes i watch tv to call down when the anxiety is really high. the nice part is i can watch the same show again later and watch it as if i've never seen it before. it drives my wife nuts. 'we've seen this!' she says. 'well, i don't remember what happens so i'm watching it again.' i say.

i'm going to be a funny old man someday.

07-10-08, 12:01
Oh boy, I can so identify with everyone here. And the memory thing is the reason I'm back on NMP after quite a relaxed few months (anxiety never goes away, but sometimes it is less active and I feel more in control).

So the other day I got out my mobile phone and totally forgot how to unlock the keypad, even though normally it is totally automatic. That made me worry a bit, but I tried to shrug it off. The this morning I put the kettle on, poured the water into my cuppa, then went out of the kitchen, came back and put the kettle back on thinking I hadn't done it! But I'd already made the cuppa!! It really scared me :unsure: Then what do I go and do? Yep, look up dementia on Google. Bad, bad Anna. What's the first symptom? Memory loss.

So now I'm in a bit of a state, and although I know anxiety will make it worse I can't help worrying :weep:

So I'm back here and leaning on everyone's kindness to help me though :hugs:

How's everyone's memory right now?


07-10-08, 20:45
Wow thought it was just me, i was too scared to admit anything as i thought i was getting alzheimers at the ripe old age of 38!!! My kids keep saying 'you told me that already' or i forget mid sentance what im on about etc etc etc. Hey i guess i can live with it now and just laugh!!!!

26-10-08, 04:13
Hi everyone, I'm really worrying that I have Alzheimer's Disease/dementia at the moment. I mostly worried about cancer before but now it's become dementia. I know that I'm really too young to have it (I'm 24) but I just can't stop worrying! It started last year, then went away, then became worse a few months ago. I started worrying I was forgeting things, like how to spell words. A few times I genuinely spelt words wrong and sometimes I would just worry that I had or was going to, I would obsess over it. I got worried that I was writing things wrong thinking things like "Do I normally put a comma here in the sentence"? I felt spaced out when I was watching TV and worried I wasn't taking in what was going on. Another time I was looking at different websites and got confused abut which website I was on.
Then I started worrying that I didn't understand words. I'll be reading something and be fine but all of a sudden I'll get this weird feeling or a weird thought like, "What does that mean?" and start to panic. I try to tell myself, "I know I understand what that means" but I'm still worried. Or I'll watch TV and just have the thought come in my head like, "Who's that character?" but then I say to myself, "I know that character is called Jane" or whatever. The latest thing is that (when I'm watching TV) when the shot goes away from a charcter and then comes back again, I thnk, "Is that the same person? They look different". I try to say to myself I know it is but then I panic. Sorry if that didn't make sense, it's hard to explain. It's really weird.
Hi kellyw, I also do memory checks, going over things in myhead, like what I did yesterday. It's become a new "habit" of mine, like touching wood.
Hi clearsky, it's become an obsession with me too. Sometimes just worry I'm going to forget something but other times I genuinely do. Like my mind blanked over the word "magazine" a couple of weeks ago. I ent to the doctor last month and he said he didn't think I had dementia but I'm still worrying. It's a relief to see that other people worry about similar things. Although I'm not glad that other people are suffering, it's just a relief to know it's not just you. :)

26-10-08, 14:28
It is nice that we are all as odd as each other - i am 48 - hold down a responsible job / hide the anxiety as much as i can - people think i am wierd when i refuse to travel with them to meetings and cancel things last minute etc - but the memory thing is harder to cover up - i thought i was getting early onset dementia as i can get half way through a conversation with people and then forget the names of people i have worked with / next to for years - i now don't introduce people to each other anymore as i know that i will forget one name - so i say - hi i am chris - everyone else introduce themselves - god knows what i will do whe i forget my own name!!

26-10-08, 17:46
If it's any consolation, I was "sure" I had early onset dementia (at 20! hmm..unlikely!) earlier this year, I felt so "stupid", constently fretting that the next university essay I submitted would result in a concerned lecturer telling me either I didn't try or I'm suffering cognitive decline.

the last 6 pieces of work I have submitted have been Firsts. There is nothing wrong with my brain really, and I bet there isn't with yours. But god, it can really feel like your system is stuffed with cotton wool some days when you have anxiety.

26-10-08, 17:53
This was something that had really freaked me out, forgetting things, again coming on here and seeing this thread has really reassured me, its bizarre, people in work make jokes about their forgetfulness, but I am terrified of it forgetting words in mid sentence spelling mistakes etc

As usual nice to know that we are not alone in all this.

Lots of Love


29-11-08, 21:10
I have also got a terrible memory and forget what I'm saying mid sentence a lot of the time. I find I have a very short concentration span too, don't know if this is part of anxiety but I find it hard to concentrate on anything these days. I can watch my favourite tv soaps but can't really concentrate and have to keep rewinding them to find out what they have said.:blush: I found my memory went when I went on a premature menopause at 34 years old. I was put on HRT but didn't feel any better on them so I came off them and everything went back to normal and I accidentally got pregnant again at nearly 37 years old with just the one ovary.:huh:

29-11-08, 22:12
I already posted a message about this worry earlier but I wanted to write some more. I got myself worked up recently because I was reading a book and I got mixed up over the characters or forgot who someone was a few times. I started panicking I didn't understand it but when I stopped reading and went it over it, I knew who they were. I just couldn't seem to stop doubting things or getting confused when I was reading. So I started panicking every time I read it.
Also I worry that I don't recognise people. I don't think it's actually that I don't recognise them but sometimes I look at people and I think maybe they look different or what if I don't know who they are. Then I say to myself, "I know that's (whoever it is)". It's just a really weird feeling and hard to explain. It started earlier this year, then it went away for a bit but now it's come back. Does anyone else get that? It's like I doubt everything, things that I know are true. And sometimes it feels like my brain is a bit slow, takes a couple of seconds to click in or something. Then sometimes I blank things, like I forgot which button to press on the remote for a few seconds and I blanked over the word "magazine" like I said in my other message.
I went to the doctor again a couple of weeks ago and he referred me to a counsellor. I'm going to see her this week, so I'll mention it to her. But I wanted to ask if anyone has had a similar experience of worrying that they don't know who people are. I've searched the forums but I haven't found anything that similar. Hope everyone's doing ok. :)

30-11-08, 00:23
Yes I know exactly what you mean about reading books. I used to love reading but now I find that a few chapters in I can't remember things that happened at the beginning and I have to keep going back to check and it frustrates me. I also find that I can't read and take in instructions like I used to do - it just doesn't go in my head anymore and might as well be written in chinese.:unsure: Yes I doubt things that I know are true too so you aren't the only one. I always forget the buttons on my camera and ended up turning it off today instead of taking a picture.:blush: It is worrying isn't it.:huh:

01-12-08, 19:06
Hi Jan, thanks for your reply. Reading is something I usually enjoy too. I think sometimes I'm concentrating so hard, trying to make sure that I understand that I end up getting confused anyway! Sometimes I feel like I'm not taking things in properly too. Glad to know it's not just me, lol. :)

01-12-08, 19:11
I don't know if anybody else has this problem or not but I find sometimes that I forget how to write.:ohmy: :blush: I don't do much writing now and just type on the computer but when I have to write a cheque out or something I find I really have to concentrate or I make a right mess and writing notes for the kids if they are off ill is a nightmare - I keep having to start again cos I mess it up by missing a letter out or something. My hand goes too quick for my brain I think.:huh:

04-12-08, 22:08
I get that too. Sometimes I make a spelling mistake or think that what I've written doesn't look right, then I stat to worry I've forgotten how to write. So I concentrate hard to make sure I don't make any mistakes. But I end up messing it up sometimes becaue I'm concentrating too hard! I think in my case it's the other way round, my brain's going too quick for my hand. (I mean when I'm not concentrating and writing each word carefully). I just think what I want to say and I write quickly.

14-12-08, 14:58
:weep: :weep: i have had a very:ohmy: sad feeling sorry formyself morning:weep:
It is so annoying - i had a fairly good week i went to a couple of classes (embroidery and reading poetry) i had a lovely time (not been to either since July owing to panic and back ache-
Everything was such a struggle this morning - could not remember stuff and making silly mistakes.
So i put "forgetfulness" into search:yesyes: :yesyes: and came up with this thread.
Well i have sat here and cried buckets:weep: with relief as i thought my age had finally caught up with me - my life was over.:weep:

But no, here are people half my age with the same problems - each post had something i could identify with.
i hope you all have got the same relief as i have, knowing that it is an anxiety problem:ohmy:
best wishes
:hugs: :yesyes:

14-03-10, 04:54
I have re-opened this post from searching Memory loss....It appears noone has added anything to it for a long time, so thanks to me, i'll bring it to everyones attention again!
I feel some relief after going through these pages and can absolutely sympathize with what others have described as their minds going blank! It is a very hard experience to describe and i am glad i now feel not so abnormal.
I'm wondering if anyone else gets this problem as there are not many topics around covering it?? My worst experiences with this lately have been whilst driving and would love to hear from others who too have experienced this. Why is it that simple things we do everyday without thought can all of a sudden confuse the hell out of us and make us start to analyze it so much, that we become extremely distressed and then the task doesn't seem too familiar anymore??

Thanks guys,
Kel x

14-03-10, 04:58
All my thoughts are pretty muddled..its as if they all run into one. or ill be thinking of one thing and some other thought will overtake it...sometimes words just pop into my ind from nowhere..sounds really weird..i know...And also when im reading something its like i cant process the words properly and it all becomes jumbled up..I have take a deep breath, try and focus and read the line or phrase again....

14-03-10, 05:03
Me too NeverRelaxed! It's like your mind is sooo tired there is this brick wall inside and no matter how hard you push, you can't get any clarity!!

14-03-10, 06:03
fried/overworked neurons/synapses methinks!!

18-03-10, 07:40
So has it been any better for you this week??

18-03-10, 07:54
i am terrible forgetful i forget what im sayin mid sentence an on sunday my mother was over for mothers day dinner i brought her bags in got her sorted then she said i have lost my specs i told her she had prob left them at home thinking she is gettin old an forgetful she argued she had brought them an then i found them in the fridge who had put them there??? me:shades:x

18-03-10, 09:03
So has it been any better for you this week??

slowly getting better. though ive had a couple of migraines and have worked myself up thinking the twoare linked:doh:

20-03-10, 12:35
You just have to look at yourself and laugh. Obviously we are not the only ones dealing with this issue so how bout we accept it together and agree that between all of us i'm sure we'd have one hell of a good brain! LOL
I went to see a naturopath today who analyzed me and said that my adrenals are pretty much depleted. I figure we all must have this problem which is what causes all these symptoms we are experiencing. There are a number of foods and supplements available to support the glands and get the body back on track. I'd recommend everyone goes and sees someone with this expertise and find out how to repair what the body is fighting to replace! :)

17-04-10, 16:35
thanks for re-opening this! I was on here looking into "forgetfulness".
recently I have been really bad. especially going into a room specifically for something or a reason, within seconds of me getting into the room its gone from my mind. it pops back after i stand there thinking for a while but its frightening. its happens several times a day now.
also i keep getting my words muddled up or saying totally the wrong word, or sort of stuttering my words out. when i think about all of this, im sort of watching out for it and i think its making me worse.
like previous posts on this forgetting post, i too forget what im wearing under my coat etc. or what i did the day before. i am getting myself into a bit of a state about it.
sarah x

18-04-10, 14:15
Hi Sarah.
The things you have described are totally normal for all humans (anxious or not)!
I have done that sort of stuff for years and years without it bothering me because i know it is normal and ok. It's when you are stuck in a situation where you can't remember your phone number, pin number, address, or where the hell you are driving to that really freaks the poop out of you!
Just relax and accept that it is all normal for an overactive mind and as you learn to live with it and expect it to happen you will notice that it isn't happening half as much, i promise :)

Kel x

18-04-10, 22:26
does anyone feel that, for example, you could have sworn you heard the phone ring..but it never...ha, i explained tht poorly..but do you understand at all what i mean?

18-04-10, 22:50
Research pyroluria, it causes intense anxiety and causes short term memory problems especially when highly stressed. I had these problems for years and at times thought I had an IQ of about 5. My brain was not working at all at times. I am cured now after 15 miserable years. I also had copper overload and under methylation and was treated by a Pfeiffer Research Institute trained Dr.

18-04-10, 23:25
:lac:Ive heard the phone ring and the door bell go off .Only to find there was no one there ...Its common with Anxiety and stress .Short term Memory loss is also common ,I used to write lots of lists to help me remember things .Now im not so bad ,but my Medication makes me feel a bit forgetful and I lack concentration at certain times of the day ...Such is Life ...:whistles: lol Sue x

19-04-10, 01:09
Welcome to my world.I would not know what day it is unless i read the newspaper.I put my purse in the freezer and the meat in the drawer and wondered where thw horrible smell was coming from.I hear the phone ring to.My quack reckon's it's menopause,at my age everything seems to be put down to menopause.I just put it down to my chill pills:)

jaded jean
13-05-10, 12:15
I am so glad I have found this exclusive 'CLUB' as I thought I had got dementia, In sentances I would stop and say what word was I going to say? And Yes I have put the washing up liquid in the freezer with the sugar.the worst one was leaving my poor old dad at the checkout in his wheelchair in Asda. Completely forgot he ws with us.
My blame is menopause with G A D. :doh: Jean

13-05-10, 14:20
I am also relieved to have found 'THE CLUB'! I am totally the same, the worst thing for me is always forgetting what I am saying part way through. On a positive note at least you know whether people listen to you when you ask them...what was I saying? LOL! I do blame it on the meds, never used to be like this but after 6 years on them I make HEAPS of notes and to do lists!

15-02-11, 18:19
Glad I have found this thread as it has made me feel a bit better. I have just been crying with worry after I left the bath running, went to make my kids dinner (don't normally do that so I had two things to think about at once) and when I went back to check the dinner after being on a forum water starting peeing through the ceiling! I have never done that before and it just happens to come in the period where I have been worrying about dementia. Coincidence? Doesn't seem like it :(

Last few weeks I have had a couple of incidents where I have done something like buckle my childs seatbelt or put the kettle on and then immediately forgotten (saying to my daughter have you put your seatbelt on and hearing no you just did it Mummy was what started this anxiety).

I have been doing the memory check thing people have mentioned all day, every day for the last week so anything I forget is worried about (down to having to be able to see the whole of my day played out in my head like a movie).

The bath thing has really frightened me though :(

19-02-11, 00:09
Hi nikkikb, it can be easy to forget things when you're really stressed and worried because you're so totally distracted. (Although when I'm in the middle of a panic it doesn't help when I tell myself that!) I got really scared that I was losing my mind over 2 years ago and the more I worried the worse it got. It has got better (and I've moved on to other worries instead!) but I still worry about it. I got panicked the other day because I totally forgot to pay for my dance class! I thought how could I forget?? But I think it was because I was late, so I was rushed and distracted.
I go over my day or what I had to eat or did for the last few days in my head, to make sure I haven't forgotten. I hope this site helps you. :)

10-07-11, 06:50
Hello there,i had to put a post on this thread,thank you for all everyones experiences,i dont feel quite as alone now. My memory is terrible since the end of April,also my spelling,concentration basically i dont know what time/date or day it is. I am so scared i am going mad,with schizophrenia/dementia etc. I am even going to try to be tested for Pyroluria,which was mentioned before on this thread but it will probably another dead end.
I feel im getting apart from reality and i hope it wont effect my job/life.
I also find time is going so quickly in the day,so i panic a bit about that and cant relax...
Ive been tested for B12 defeciency which came back as im not,it puts my mind at rest to know that.
Thank you again all for your posts,m trying not too panic and put things into perspective.