View Full Version : It all comes at once eh

29-06-08, 12:25
My boyfriend finally decided last night that there was nothing that could be done to make him want to stay in the relationship anymore. Part of me is relieved cos we've been living in a horrible situation for the last 6 weeks or so. The rest of me is absolutely devastated because I know my anx has had a huge part to play in the breakdown of our relationship.

Because of this now I'm going to have to leave the home I love so much at some point, because I can't afford to run it alone.

I hate my new job so much I'm tempted to call them in the morning and tell them I'm never going back, but I guess thats just cos my emotions are running high right now.

Just don't feel I can cope with being me anymore :weep:

29-06-08, 12:27
Fran my heart goes out to you!

Pooh xxx

29-06-08, 13:25
:bighug1: Fran,

Please do not blame yourself. What if you had some other disease do you think he would have stayed around for that and helped take care of you? I do not know the ins and outs of all that has happened in your relationship but when one partner cannot support the other for something they need support for perhaps this was not your lifelong partner. As for your home, it will be difficult to leave, but we humans are amazingly adaptable and you will be able to make a new one as long as you have your things you love and cherish such as photos, books etc to have around you.

If you aren't in counseling for your anxiety issues, I suggest you try to get some so that you will feel like you are doing everything you can do to try to help yourself. Good luck and take care of yourself through this difficult time.

Love and many hugs,


29-06-08, 23:59
That's right Fran. it's not your fault and your anxiety is not to blame. My wife has stood by me for the last 3 months through some terrible times and to be honest I woldn't have blamed her if she hadn't BUT I would have known at that time that she wasn't who I thought she was.

As it turned out she is everything I thought she was, although sometimes I still don't believe it !

This is your boyfriend's problem. Not yours. You will get through this.

30-06-08, 10:02
hi Fran

it is right, it is not your fault at all.
the thing is we all have bad times in our life and expect our partners to stand by us in hard times i know they must find this anx and panic hard to deal with but it is part of life nothing is perfect ,i think in time you will find someone who will stand by you no matter what Hun .
have some:bighug1:

Hope 2
30-06-08, 12:06
Hi Fran

Yeah it does all just crash around us I know wot u mean.
I believe things happen for a reason although we don't always see or understand it at the time.
Maybe your current situation might be the start of something better for you in the long term.
Life events like this are hideous to get thru and my heart goes out to you, know us lot here care hun ok.

Let us know how yr doing
Hope xx

30-06-08, 17:31
Thank you all for your replies, am doing ok today, I guess its a case of taking it day by day. Am meeting a friend later for a few drinks to get me out of the house, and am trying to fill my diary with stuff so I'm not sitting about moping too much.

I guess today is an up day and I will hold on to these as much as I can!

30-06-08, 17:33
hiya glad u feeling better u will get good and bad days but u r doing the best thing by keeping busy and not thinking to much and in time u will feel much better hugs xx