View Full Version : light at the end of the tunnel

29-06-08, 14:30
Hi, my name's Jo, I am new to this forum and new to forums in general. I have read some posts from various people and would like to share my story.

Well I don't know where to begin, at the start I suppose. I have suffered with anxiety for as long as I can remember, I don't know why it started but I was always frightend that my mum was going to leave me. I would never stay round any of my friends houses or even want to go and play because I was frightened that something was going to happen to my mum, I don't know what or why. I grew up in a very loving home with a brother and sister and a great mum and dad, I couldn't have wished for a better family.
To begin with at school I was always very panicy, always going along with my friends so they would accept me. When thinking back they were quite horrible to me. Then one day I had had enough and I went completely the other way. Nothing bothered me anymore and nothing could hurt me, that was when I was about 14.
At the age of about 20 I began a relationship with my eldest sons father, I was quite happy. I fell pregnant wth my first son, at his birth he had the cord around his neck twice so the midwife flipped him over and back a couple of times to get his breathing going. My mum and my sons dad were at the delivery and my mum had never seen anything like the way she threw my son around. Anyway at a few days old I pointed out to my midwife a broken blood vessle in my sons eye and she said it was caused by crying, but my son didnt cry at all which I told her. Three weeks later my son was rushed in to hospital with fluid on the brain, they acused us of shaking him. No matter how many times I had said there was somthing not right about him in them few weeks the midwife and health visiter later denied it all in court saying I had never raised any concerns and the result was I had him taken off me and placed with my mum.The feeling of having your child taken from you when you have done nothing is, well I dont know how to write it but it was gut-wrenching. After 2 years of court I finaly got him back and he was fine with no long term damage.
After that my relationship broke down with my sons father. It was a horrible break up and he wouldn't leave me alone so I went to stay with some friends in London. A few weeks had past and I left my friends flat to go to the garage, this is the hard bit for me to write so i will keep it brief. I was gang raped in an attic by three black men for around 8 to 12 hours. I had a gun put to my head and alot of other horrible things done to me. When they had finished with me one of them took me to his uncles house for him to have a go on me, but luckily for me he was not there. Now that I was outside with one of them i started to feel like I would rather die than to take anymore.He had a big knife which he had at my side, but I didnt care anymore and I just started screaming and telling him to just do it and get it over with, I would rather have died. He fled like the coward he is.
I went to the police in Stoke Newington where I was left in a rape suite for hours all alone and then driven to be examined because the doctor wouldn't come to the police station because it was to rough! Nice ay? I didn't tell my family for a day or two I just stayed at the police station by myself, when I told my mum on the phone I think it was the hardest thing I have ever done. They came to me straight away, I will never forget the look on my dads face like he had realy let me down. I was very close to my dad. One of the men got caught but the other two didnt, it went to the Old Bailey but I couldnt face it, or them again. I wimped out.
I then turned to heroin after a year of differnt therapies and medications. My dad found out that he had cancer and I helped look after him and went to the hospice every day watching him waste away knowing he was more worried about leaving me than dieing, he was so brave. When he died I went on a complete downer, I went to Ausralia for six months. I was still doing drugs at that time. I met somone called Tony out there and we became very close, when I had to come back to England we were both gutted. Three months after I returned Tony hung himself and to this day i dont know if it was because of me. I feel alot of guilt about it.
A year later I met the love of my life and fell pregnant with my middle son, I was clean of street drugs but still on methadone. My son was born and had to be put on morphine for 7 weeks but everything seemed ok.
Three years later we found out that he suffers from autism but we didnt know how bad, again I felt guilt like you couldn't imagine. My partner has been my rock and helped me through so much and has put up with my highs and lows. Through all of my problems I tried killing myself a few times and overdosed on heroin 5 or 6 times, I am sure I wouldnt be here now if I hadn't met him and got away from the drug scene. So many of my friends have died due to drugs and I don't want to be one of them. My son is now five and is a little genius my eldest son is 12 and I have just had a baby boy who's 9 weeks old and life is good but I'm always ready for the next thing life is going to throw at me. Im still on medication but nothing too bad, I still suffer from PTSD and have temazipam for the nightmares. To deal with the rape I just tell myself it was just sex and I'm not going to let them three b***ards ruin anymore of my life. But that is much easier to do 9 years after the incident because I can almost put it to the back of my mind now, but it can always come forward again when you least expect it and to this day I still cannot be near black men. I just freeze on the spot or cling to my boyfriends arm.

I hope I haven't bored you with my life story but I had so much to say!!:scared15:

29-06-08, 15:40
hiya and omg you poor thing. first of all you are so very brave for writing all that down and that is a very good form of therapy to do that and also talk about it. the rape, i really dont know how i would cope and i wanna say that even though you have had all this crap in your life to face u r a true fighter and you are showing everyone that these *******s have not won. have u had much therapy for this at all? i have cbt and i would recommend it, but there are lots of different types of therapy and it really does help even just talking about it. you say u had some therapy just wondered whether it was the right type.

your new partner and your baby and other children are your future now and as hard as it is you must fight on and enjoy what u have now. Please never blame yourself for anything that has happend to you, you have been very unlucky but its made you very strong hun and u will be ok.

as long as you stay off the drugs, keep talking about stuff and writing it all down, you will be ok. the more you open up the more you will be able to cope and move on and it will get easier as time goes on.

everyone here will really help you through this and we all have problems whether big or small and we are all a little family here, so please keep posting and we will do our very best to offer you advice and support. you will also make some really genuine friends on here. hugs and stay strong:hugs:

29-06-08, 16:35
your one brave lady

milly jones
29-06-08, 16:37
hi hunny

i realise that must have taken some courage to share all of that. well done.

we will all be behind u at nmp and try to help as much as we are able.


milly xxx

29-06-08, 16:40
Welcome to NMP, your one brave lady
All the best


29-06-08, 17:55
Hiya hun :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
hope to talk to you soon

take care.


29-06-08, 20:14
Hi Jo and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

29-06-08, 21:29
Thank you all for making me feel welcome. It was hard to write but that is only some of the problems Ive had, and hopefully in time I can share the rest. Sometimes I feel that life has got it in for me and sometimes I say bring it on and other days I worry and pray thats it for me, no more incidents.
They say everything happens for a reason? Or if it dosent kill you it will make you stronger, whats that about? Or does it just wear you down??

29-06-08, 21:37
hiya you have done brilliant and yes what dont kill u makes u stronger i believe that and just keep strong and positive and focus on just u and your family and dont dwell on what ifs, i went through a faze of that cos like u i kept thinking nothing comes easy for me etc but now i try to stay positve u will be ok hun as u are very strong hugs xxx

29-06-08, 21:50
Thanks Donna its nice to be told sometimes how well Ive done, and thinking about it I have done well and I am a strong person.

29-06-08, 21:55
yes you have and keep telling yourself that, you been through loads but came out the other side. that shows your strength. hugs xx
ps pm me anytime xx

29-06-08, 21:59
Thanks I will.

29-06-08, 22:40
Hi Jo

:welcome: to the site

Im so sorry to hear what u have been through

:hugs: love mandie x

30-06-08, 16:08
Hi Jo,

Welcome to the site. Many here feel like you do and you will get support.

Take care,


30-06-08, 17:02
Hi there and welcome,

you must be one heck of a brave person to come throught that and be able to talk so candidly about it. The only thing I can really empathise with is the suicide as my step dad and fiance (father of my eldest) both hanged themselves within 2 years of each other. I hope you stick with us- you'll find so much support here. Feel free to PM me any time

Take care

Siobhan x

30-06-08, 18:50
Thank you everyone! You have all made me feel very welcome!!!!

30-06-08, 19:56
What a story! how brave of you to tell us, you have done amazing, look to the future now and the future of your kids, your partner must be one fantastic guy to look after you,you will get through the PTSD after getting through everything else.

Good Luck


01-07-08, 16:17
Hi Jo

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

01-07-08, 18:37
Hi Jo,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
You are an incredibly brave lady
:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
Best wishes,

01-07-08, 22:30
Thanks again for your kind words. I really don`t see myself as brave, I have just survived everything life's thrown at me (so far!). I don`t know how but I have!!

01-07-08, 22:32
hiya hows your day been? and you are brave and strong and yes surviving. you will get through all this hugs xxx

01-07-08, 22:38
Apart from running round after 3 kids all day (4 including the hubby) it's been ok! How about you?

01-07-08, 22:57
haha i know all about that one and my 4th child (hubby) mines busy as usual schools playgroups, shoppin, housework, so much fun hey haha

02-07-08, 21:21
Hello Jo And Welcome Im Sorry To Hear Of The Trauma You Went Thru....im Glad You Found Someone Who Is By Your Side Now And Ya Children Are Well Now ......i Wish Ya Well...............linda

02-07-08, 23:54
Thank you Linda,
I do find that my children keep me strong. And my hubby is my rock. So I know I am very lucky to have them.

06-07-08, 16:57
Hi Jo

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get some great support and advice here.

12-07-08, 17:38
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

14-07-08, 22:42
Thanks everyone, it means alot!!

14-07-08, 23:05
hiya hun, just wondered how u doing? not spoke to u in a while but still think of u because of your strength, i hope things are going ok. huge hugs to u xxx

15-07-08, 21:21
Hi Donna, I've been really busy with kids and stuff for the last few days. I am doing ok thx, how about you?

Also, I got your e-mail today, I rarely get e-mails and I only check once in a while! ;)

15-07-08, 22:55
haha im trying to think of the email i sent now hehe. i am good thanku i have had my sons leavers evening service tonight which was really nice as he goes secondary school in sept. its so busy with kids and different dates to remember for school things at moment, i will be glad when friday comes and they break up.xxxx