View Full Version : Panicking Again

29-06-08, 14:39

I have not posted here for quite awhile.

I have not really panicked for a few months and then a couple of weeks ago it started again. I have been getting a pain in my left arm and hand for the last week and it has really started to make me panic again.

I have been taking Citalopram for about 4 months and i was wondering if it was a side effect of that?

It is driving me insane, i have started to think all kinds of things and everyone keeps telling me there is nothing wrong with me.

I know that is it probably just me overreacting, but it has got me really freaked out.

I just needed to tell somebody that understands :)

29-06-08, 15:58
hiya hun, im sure your worrying is making u feel worse but try to relax and not think to much keep yourself busy. sorry i cant be much help but wanted to send you a hug :hugs:

29-06-08, 16:18
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

Don't worry too much about it we all get little set-backs from time to time, not sure what to say but I am thinking of you.

Good Luck


29-06-08, 16:56
Hi Natalie

Sorry to hear you are not feeling great. Have you been having any therapy for your anxiety at all or are you just taking Citalopram?
Withought knowing what dose and more information it is difficult to advise though I am sure there is nothing physically wrong with you and that the anxiety is causing your fear as is normally the case with sufferers.
I know that everyone always says this, but the best thing to do is go back to your doctor and tell him/her of these feelings you have.

Best regards


29-06-08, 17:14
Thanks everyone for your support.

Andrew - I am currently on 20mg of Citalopram and i have seen a psychologist once, still waiting for another appointment.

I am just trying to think positive, doesn't always work though.

I went to see the doctor last week, the exact same day the pain in my arm started, she asked me questions and examined me, but now i am constantly thinking did i forget to tell her something or maybe she missed something.

29-06-08, 19:15
I think if the pain in your arm was serious you wouls have known about it by now hun, why not give N H S direct a ring and see if they can put your mind at rest for you?
Take cARE
polly xx