View Full Version : Almost got me last night ....

29-06-08, 15:03
Hi all - I've been relatively lucky. I had my last PA in Nov '06 and haven't had one since. Although I have (on a scale of 1 to 10) been at an 8 a few times. Usually I have a background anxiety level of 2, and have just learned to live with it.

For some reason last night, I hit a 9 for a good 10 mins and was right on the verge of having a PA. I was sooooo close it was scary, which is probably why I was so close.

Thing is I don't know what set it off. I suffer very few symptoms generally (lucky again I guess), but went from being my usual self to a almost full blown panic within seconds.

I've sat here today and tried to rationalise what it was that set me off, but I just can't put my finger on it. We left a club late (4am), set off for home which was 9 miles away in the car (all of us are non-drinkers BTW). By the time we hit the first traffic lights the conversation had faded into the background and there I was at a 9. Thinking hard about breathing steadily, gulping at my saliva and trying to talk myself down.

The time it went on for was almost as long as it took to get home. My mate knows I'm a sufferer and I mentioned it to him as I was the last to be dropped off. He said he would have pulled over, but I told him that's why I didn't mention it. I wanted to ride it out than give in. One less place for me to avoid next time I'm out.

A bit rambling this post, sorry. It's just got me baffled as to why after 20 months of not having a PA I was so close last night. Going to try not to dwell on it too much, but I can't help wondering.


29-06-08, 15:48
hiya krakers panic is a weird thing and sometimes the slightest little thing can set them off even something that u wouldnt think would. im glad you were able to ride it out and that you are ok. im sure others on here will be able to explain the panic attack u had better than me but just wanted to send you a hug and glad u ok now xxxxxxxxxxxx

29-06-08, 15:56
Hi Krakers

I have experienced the exact same thing. I do not like travelling long distances in cars. When I take a panic attack I have learnt to deal with it. It is not nice though. I feel trapped in cars and feel I need to get out at times. Things are getting better. It is good to hear that you beat the PA. Gradually the pa's will fade away.


milly jones
29-06-08, 16:31
well done for working thru this krakers.

u did really well to not give in and get ur mate to pull over.

u faced ur fear and won.

we all get blips from time to time and dont necessarily know why.

dont dwell on it, just think of all the time uve been pa free.

move onto the future, that nights finished, today is new challenge

love milly xxx

30-06-08, 00:29
Thanks all for your kind words and advice. I've been out and about today, and found myself waiting for it to happen again. It hasn't, but the whole thinking about it has made me more anxious than usual.

I've done that journey quite a few times with no ill effects. The only thing different last night really was there was a third person in the car and he can talk for England. Having said that I had one of my worst PA's back in Oct '06 on that exact same journey only going, not coming back. Again there was a third person in the car.

Maybe I'm over analyzing. Today has gone better than yesterday, so tomorrow should be better still. I think an early night (for me anyway) is in order.


30-06-08, 10:09

well done for getting through it as i think that is the key to it not to give in and let it get full blown.
panic just dose this i think it just hits you when you are not expecting it and i guess it is how we deal with it that is the key to getting better ,made the late night or maybe you were to hot ect these things can set them off :unsure:
i hope every day gets better for you and you get back to where you were with your anx/pa,s

Jodie x