View Full Version : Recurring anxiety

29-06-08, 15:47
I haven't experienced a panic attack in many years and just started to date someone I like very much. I have been having a lot of anxiety and cannot control the shaky hands and feel like I have a ball of guilt spinning in my stomach.

29-06-08, 15:55
hiya sounds great that u met someone u like so much and alot of wot u are feeling is just general nerves of dating etc. hey after 16 yrs of marriage i wish i still had a bit of that feeling hehe. its prob a mixture of excitement and nerves just ride it out and enjoy yourself and im sure you will be just fine hun hugs xxxx ps mayb also expalin to them about the nerves im sure if they really like you they will understand xx

29-06-08, 17:01

I agree with Donna. You dont have to suffer from anxiety to feel what you are feeling right now. Be positive and you will be fine.

Best of luck


milly jones
29-06-08, 19:19
hey what a lovely thread

its good to hear that ure dating again.

im sure they would understand if u explained that ur a little nervous.

good luck and have fun

milly xxxx