View Full Version : Worried - Fatty Lump on Back

29-06-08, 21:09
Hi all

I have had this fatty lump on my back for a couple of years now I guess, I went docs about it when I first noticed it as went into serious panic mode. I am now worried its not so wobbly and more attached, or maybe a bit firmer than it was. They gave it a name and said to leave it unless it causes any problems, but I am getting back ache which could be stress and poor posture sitting on the computer too long??!
I am worried the pain is where this lump is, it maybe in my head, Has anyone else had these fatty lumps and do they grow or give discomfort? Or is it in my head? I am so paranoid about lumps and bumps..

Please help...

29-06-08, 21:17
I would advise you to go back to the doctors if you feel there has been a change. It's probably nothing, but go just for reassurance if anything.

29-06-08, 22:07
It is a cyst more than likely - I have one too and the doc told me to get someone to squeeze the puss out when it gets big - yuck I know but it works

30-06-08, 09:41
My husband had one of those, it is a sebaceous cist. I did get rid of it by squeezing it and it has not grown back.:yesyes:
ps you may have to pierce it with a sterile needle first but my husbands had an opening in his.

30-06-08, 17:07
My husband has had a fatty lump on his back for 15 years or more- about double or treble the size of a tictac. Completely harmless and the back pain is likely to be stress or poor posture as you say.

Siobhan x

30-06-08, 20:47
I've just found one on my chest (below collar bone). I'm going to the docs in a week or so and will ask about it. My friend has one i think they are called lipomas or something.

30-06-08, 21:02
I had one on my back for years. It got bigger and so had it removed by surgeon... Just a benign harmless cycst... good to get removed as they can come back if you just squeeze it out, and some do not have openings to squeeze - mine didn't. If your doctor felt it, he would know of there was something to be concerned about. Don't worry - they are nothing serious...

30-06-08, 21:25
ive got a few in my back im 23 noticed them when i was about 16

30-06-08, 22:14
My husband had fatty lumps on his arm. He had them removed.

30-06-08, 22:54
Hi petmad

It will either be a lipoma which is a fatty lump or a sebaceous cyst, either one are harmless. I used to be a theatre scrub nurse and we used to remove them constantly.
Try not to worry chuck

30-06-08, 23:04
Yea , deffo sebaceous cist, can have them cut out but they tend to leave a bit of scar tissue.

01-07-08, 21:21
Thank you all for your support yes they said it was a lipoma which I googled!
I think the posture is whats causing me back pain, I sit on the computer or carry my son and its tension which also doens't help, but feel I have constant nexk or back pain! YOu know what its like when you think and worry...
thanks again xx

01-07-08, 23:56
Hi there, i have had quite a few of these removed from both my arms mainly for cosmetic reasons cos u could notice them when wearing a short sleeved t shirt. I also have a couple on my thighs and on my back. They dont cause me any discomfort so the doc suggested leaving them alone. Getting them cut out is painless and is done under a local anesthetic. If you are constantly worried either consider getting them removed or leave them be as they seem to be completely harmless.
Best Of luck