View Full Version : Monthly question so one for the girls only!!!!

22-04-05, 16:16
Hiya ladies

Just a quickie, my recovery is going from strength to strength, feeling better and stronger every day [^] however have noticed that my worst bouts are around the monthly visit time [:I] - this month has actually been so funny. Today day 2 of visit I have had massive onsets of anxiety out of no-where real rushes of fast heart beat, pulse race tightness across chest and shoulders etc etc - BUT every single time have acknowledged it, thought about my breathing for a minute and carried on and every time it has switched off as quickly as it arrived[:o)] what is that all about[?]

Had one really bizarre moment after I had a choccy bar with a cup a tea, out of nowhere massive anxiety onslaught like the days of old (did not scare or panic me now though!!!!).

Does anyone know of any herbs or food etc that can help at this time of the month? I am SOOOO pleased that I am not scared anymore it is making everything so much easier to deal with since I have accepted (really accepted) that these are just symptoms and not life threatening I am actually know getting quite intreagued as to why and how this all happens?

Thanks in advance for advice ...Angie

22-04-05, 16:24
Well - what wonderful news Angie .. Well done

Evening Primrose oil for youngsters like you and Wild Yam cream if you're a touch more mature can help regulate it. Are you on chemical contraception ?

'choccy bar' ? sugar rush - worse during these times.


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22-04-05, 16:34
Hiya Meg

Sugar rush...DUH!!!!!! That will be it then[:I]

No problem at all with regulating, I could not be more reg, cycle on the dot every month (even still in sinc with the birth of my first baby 13 years ago!!!!!) Hubby had the snip (40th birthday pressie from me this year[}:)]) so no contraceps, just for teh first time in my life really knowing why other women moan about their monthlies) Guess I should be grateful just to be noticing them now at the grand old age of 37!

Wonder if I am heading for the menopause - could that be it?

22-04-05, 16:47
With peri menopause you usually notice some gentle alterations in your cycle - so no ..not yet !!


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22-04-05, 17:16
Im a nightmare when it comes to mine and i know when im due the anxeity is strong werid that.

22-04-05, 18:25
Hi Angie!

God i am awful when the big time of the month is due!very anxious, panicky general feeling of not myself and very tearful!. Then a day after ive stopped my period no anxious or worried feeelings!. Then wam they appear again!. Dont you just love being a woman ha ha.....glad to hear you understanding your problem and feeling better. X X X

22-04-05, 18:37
Hi Angie,
how lovely to read your post and hear how well you are coping with everything, hormones do definately play a part in anxiety, i can vouch for that whole heartedly, am now perimenopausal and things have taken a turn for the worse, because my hormones are all over the place, as are my periods.... It will get better in time, just have to adjust to these changes as well. It is wonderful that you can control the panic and anxiety and tell yourself what's happening and why,keep up the good work, take it easy and keep in touch!

22-04-05, 18:55
You mentioned that you had a cup of tea...caffeine is the worst thing to possibly have when you suffer from panic attacks/anxiety. I stopped completely. Just a tip to help you.


22-04-05, 20:23
Hi Angie

I'm now peri-menopausal and on HRT and have found out I'm hypoglycaemic(don't check the spelling)which means I have low blood sugar. According to my consultant, around the time of the month when your oestrogen level drops, you crave sugar and you need sugar to form insulin which helps to make oestrogen. If you eat the wrong kind of sugar - quick releasing - biscuits, chocolate, white bread/pasta etc- your sugar and insulin levels rise rapidly and then fall - your body still needs insulin so it's starts to borrow it from the liver and muscles and this is where adrenalin kicks in causing us to panic and feel anxious.

So the answer is to eat food with slow-releasing sugars - wholemeal bread/bananas/pulses/seeds etc and if you do anything really energetic like go to the GYM!! make sure you eat something small before and after

If there's any medical people out there I apologize as this is only my understanding on the subject

Read this from a previous post - http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/story23.htm


23-04-05, 00:10
Umm Diane , the practical bits are right but the mechanics are not quite. Never mind - the message is spot on.

Hypogly Hypoglycemia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=189)
GI: Gi Diet (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3179)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

23-04-05, 10:13

I think comfort foods are the best thing to eat. The time of the month is the only time I don't feel bad about eating a huge bar of chocolate. Also, I find that my cramps are so bad that I forget about my anxiety cos I'm too busy feeling ill. I do agree though that I feel a lot more anxious just before but that could just be PMT having its effect..

Sarah :D