View Full Version : The Pill & Panic Attacks

29-06-08, 21:37
about a year and a half ago i decided to go on the pill.at first this was fine, i got on with it perfectly..until i was unhappy at college and began to get depressed and suffer ffrom panic attakcs [ive had the PAs since FOREVER so i know this wasnt neccersarily caused by the pill]
they became worse and i was extremely depressed.. i read the packet, since my mum suggested it, and a side effect was depression.

i stopped taking it. but began to take medication for my depression and PA's..
and gradually theyve calmed down..

i would like to go on the pill again, as it makes me feel much safer and i liked being on it, but im scared it contributed to my illness..
what do you think? has anyone ever found the pill made them moody??
im scared its going to make me how i was!:shrug:

sorry for bein a pain :blush:
im so in neeeed of advice here LOL
much love to you all this lovely sunday evening :)
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxx

29-06-08, 22:02
hey :)

I went to my docs last week and asked exactly the same question. The first thing she asked me was had the PAs and the anxiety started at the same time as I started taking the pill, and I couldnt properly answer as Im pretty sure theyve been around forever.

But anyways we came to the conclusion that there should be no side effect from the pill and anything would be negligible. Any medication you are on for your anxiety should control it and effects from taking the pill would be so small its not worth you coming off it as its much safer and by far the best option. Imagine how anxious you would be if you got pregnant :P

Im taking cerazette, its a progesterone only pill, so I dont know if that makes a difference. But the general idea was that no, it shouldnt affect your anxiety too much, but on the other hand PMS and anxiety are V. different ... maybe it has an effect on that?

27-11-08, 07:06
Hi there,

I agree with Gemma Ann I wouldn't worry about taking the pill. I've heard of some brands that do make people moody though. Just talk to a doctor or someone about different brands you can try.

If you dont fear the fear theres nothing to fear.. right:)
Good luck and God Bless,

04-09-10, 17:33
hey.i disagree with the other answers i went on the pill and my panic got worse due to it messing with your natural hormone levels.i went to docs only last week and i have stopped taking the pill now your choice darling but my advice is anything unnatural you put in your body could have a bad reaction.good luck.xxx