View Full Version : The nights are so long!

30-06-08, 02:00
Hi to anybody else who is up at this ungodley hour.Mothermac here.
I can't believe I'm up AGAIN!!! with these horrible palpatations,I got some great advice off a np member earlier today and did everything I said I would and it hasn't worked. I read my book in bed and I didn't feel particularly stressed when I laid down and then suddenly it was there, the awful thuds in my chest and throat and a fluttering sensation and an aching chest,I am really feeling bleak at this moment.I haven't woken my husband up as he sleeps quite deeply(lucky old Gary) and sometimes he gets annoyed that I'm holding his hand and saying "oh it's a panic attack again",he just tends to roll over now and says lie down and just go to sleep,I b.......y well wish it was that darn simple. I am going to ask the gp today for some mild sleeping tabs as I'm really tired now,I can't remember the last time I had a decent nights rest I really can't.
speak soon
love Mothermac xxxxxx

30-06-08, 02:24
Tell me about it! :hugs:

I usually get to sleep about 5 and wake again at 8. My doc just says not to worry, my body will make me sleep when I need it, but my mind just keeps going!

30-06-08, 10:04
I understand hun, but keep going with the advice i gave you.
It wont work over night as your body and its sleeping pattern has learned to be this way and you need to retrain it again. stick to the advice i gave you for about two wks and see how it goes.

take care


30-06-08, 10:16

i really feel for you Hun i was just the same with my ectopics i would be fine get into bed and within 10 mins they would start :wacko: i would get up and go sit in the living room thinking of calling a doctor or going to the hospital i was that scared ,i am not really sure what i did but after a few weeks of trying hard not to let them bother me and making sure when i went to bed i was real really tired they got better (i had them for ten years) only the last year have they not been so bad .
they do go you just have to not let them scare you so much when they happen it is he reaction you give them that makes you get more i am sure once you start to panic well you get more and more .
i hope things get better for you soon
pm me if you need a chat

Jodie xx

30-06-08, 11:01
I had palpatations for about a year everyday and i still get them now and again. They will go and i know its hard but youve gotta stop thinking about them so much. When it happens just think 'oh here goes my anxiety again' and dont worry to much about it.
I had it for ages and it did me no harm at all. Also i found that drinking less caffiene helped to.