View Full Version : Bad Morning Already

30-06-08, 06:56
Hi. Well here I am again, battling with HA and trying to sort things out in my mind!

Vision this morning is haywire, Left hand tremor/wierd feeling has now spread up to the top of my arm.

Sleeping at night is so broken up that I feel like I have not slept at all.

Convinced there is something seriously wrong in my brain and I have brain tumor or MS - yikes why do I think like that.

I wish I could just move on, my depression is so much better but my Anxiety is still the same - rubbish.

I am fed up of crying and feeling like this:weep:

Maybe I should ask the doctor for a CT scan or MRI, just in case those white spots on MRI are more sinister.

Oh I dont know.

Thanks for reading.

30-06-08, 08:08
oh i really sympatise with you you poor thing, keep your calm and concentrate on your breathing hope you start to feel better soon xxx

30-06-08, 08:38
I doubt very much if the white spots are sinister.

The symptoms you are describing sound very much like how my daughter was when she had to leave the house to go to school (she was suffering from agoraphobia and social paranoia etc then but we didn't notice:weep:)

She was having terrible anxiety attacks before she left home (sometimes she couldn't go at all). She was diagnosed by the psychiatrist as having OCD, social paranoia, agoraphobia, depression and anxiety.

Now she doesn't leave the house at all. But thank goodness she has the same sense of humour as me so on her good days we have a good laugh.

She doesn't go out at all now.:unsure: