View Full Version : proud of myself

30-06-08, 07:36
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Last week sun-fri i took a trip to maryland which is 14 hours away from here. my husband, two kids and i drove down their. we stayed in a hotel for that week. i was doing great until sunday night right before we went to sleep at the hotel. i FREAKED..it HIT ME and i was like "oh my god i am 800 miles away from home, i have NO CLUE where the hospitals are I am in a hotel room with my 3 year old and my 6 month old alone while my husband is attending his classes he had to take their" i was hyperventaling and totally freaking out. i managed to talk myself through it and finally fall asleep. the next morning i was really worried about how the entire week would go. but it went great! i baught this cool book to read and every night before bed i would take a hot bath and read my book and after that i would fall right asleep! for the rest of the week i had no panic attacks and very little anxiety! and one of the biggest reasons i am so proud of myself is because i forgot my fish oil, and because that entire week i didnt get any excersize and we were eating out alot because his worked paid for it, and usually when i eat like crap and dont get my excersize i have alot of anxiety! all in all it was a really great week and i think that because i overcame that hurdle it is going to help me in the long run in dealing with theese panic attacks..also that "vibreating" i was getting in my chest has all but disappered..i got it only a couple times in the past 8 days when before it was every night.
although i did come back with some bad news..i gained 5 lbs from the over eating and no excersizing:(

30-06-08, 09:25

:yesyes: thats great to hear, well done

love mandie x

Hope 2
30-06-08, 11:58
Heya and WOW .........good for you, well done :yesyes: . You have every reason to be proud.
Like you said, now you know you can overcome such a huge hurdle, it can be something you can learn from and use as a coping tool in the future. I am really happy for you xx

Great positive thread :yesyes:
Hope xx

milly jones
30-06-08, 13:10
well im so pleased for you hunny

really well done

its so good when u move forwards, and its so good to share it on nmp

thank you

milly xxxx :hugs:

30-06-08, 22:44
How wonderful to be able to have a break from the anxiety and panic, or at least enough that you could enjoy yourself. And now you have these wonderful memories to draw upon in future, allowing them to serve as reminders that you do have it in you to overcome and to enjoy life.

Wishing you many more days of enjoyment as time goes on.

01-07-08, 09:19
A big big well done to you hun.:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: you did great and i hope you are proud of yourself. ok so you had a blip while you where there but you got throught it and carried on and had a great time.
you didnt go running for home so thats a great achivement i think.
i wish you many more to come.

take care. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
