View Full Version : LOST

30-06-08, 10:54
Ive started suffering from depersonalisaton/derealisation because my anxiety has beome so bad and ive read about it and i understand that i am not going mad but i also feel like im not myself anymore and i dont know who i am. I keep looking at my past and thinking that ive been pretending to be someone im not for years and now i dont know who i am and im quite scared.

Is this a symptom of dp/ds or is it something else. im just confused.

milly jones
30-06-08, 14:04
from my experience

i feel a different person to who i was before i was ill.

its taken some time for me to realise that the new me is the real one.

the old me was a facade id put up for years to cover my illness.

i have been thru the bubble stage of depression, and i believe once uv accepted that this is an illness, u cant change it, but learn to cope with it, and that its not a weakness, you can move on.

im still at the final stages of the acceptance stage. ill never be the person i was before my breakdown. i praps will never be confident and outgoing. but i do know ive found a more tolerant human being, who takes time now to listen, and is less materialistic in life.

yes i would give anything to have not been ill, but im quite liking the milly ive discovered is inside me, shes quite a nice person after all.

please try to get help with professionals to talk your feelings out. its how i learnt to accept me.

milly xxxx

30-06-08, 14:11
i don't know what it is but i have it too. I feel like i'm in a video game or something just watching, and when i look back into the past, even yesterday, i feel like it's not me. It's so hard to just ignore and get over when your whole world doesn't even feel wierd. I've had it before and got over it, so i know it will go away, but it's hard right not while it's happening. I know i'm not going crazy, but its very scary i know.