View Full Version : prolonged PA followed by prolonged exhaustion

30-06-08, 12:56

I haven't posted for a long while. I've been having CBT now for abou 3 months and it's been helping a lot. I've gone from being unable to leave the house to being back at work and leading a relatively normal life although I still can't go anywhere further than about 10 miles from home alone. Anyway, I've had panic disorder (so I'm told) for about 12 years with varying degrees of severity. My attacks have always mainly been at night, but the main problem has always been the utter exhaustion, pain and feeling terrible for up to a week after an attack. Since having the CBT I've had few attacks, however, last Thursday, about 10 mins before I was due to leave work, and looking forward to the weekend (I have Fridays off) I was eating an apple (not sure if relevant) and wham! huge panic attack began. Well my CBT teaches me not to fight it and to 'let it do its worse', i.e. almost encourage the attacks to happen so as to diminish my fear of them. Well, I managed to drive home (very hard to drive when hands and feet shaking so much) where I thought I'd feel better, but no, the damned attack lasted another 3 hours until I went to bed exhausted at 8pm. I got up briefly on Friday only to have another bad attack (continuation of last one?) followed by sleeping all day, and all Friday night, most of Saturday and half of Sunday. It's now Monday and I should be at work but I'm still utterly exhausted.

Has anyone else ever come across such massive fatigue after an attack. And it's not just fatigue - I get restless legs (all over body) which drives me insane, plus deep muscle aches, stiffness, nausea and total weakness. And all this is AFTER the attack, not during it! Otherwise I'm relatively fit and go to the gym 3 x a week, but at the moment I hardly have the energy to walk upstairs.

Incidentally, before I was diagnosed with Panic Attacks, about 3 different Neurologists thought I had ME (chronic fatigue) but this was discounted as the symptoms aren't all the time. After about a week I'm back to normal again, until the next PA...

Would really appreciate people's thoughts as I've never found anything associating PA with such debilitating and prolonged fatigue and nor has my doctor.

30-06-08, 15:18
Don't have any ideas but have a hug as you have achieved so much so far.:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

13-07-08, 22:08
I used to get so tired, that I slept couple of hours after each attak. My attacks were pretty bad though. They were accompanied by hyperventilation syndrome, which made all my muscles twitch, spasm... All my body got cramped... So although the panic subsided, the hyperventilation syndrome took time... Then I would feel so tired that I would sleep...
By the way, depression also makes one sleep more than normal...Try to keep a busy life, even if not working, help friends etc... Being physically active motivates the body to be more physically active, and boosts energy levels.