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30-06-08, 13:17
I have been having anxiety since i had surgery two weeks ago for a tubal ligation. Everything went fine, except now i wake up every morning with anxiety. I am taking prozac and the doctor wants to switch me to lexapro. I took the first lexapro yesterday and had anxiety/panic all day. my dad had to come over and help me with my kids i was so scared and couldnt calm down. I am afraid to take the lexapro today and i think i should stick to the prozac. has anyone else made this switch? has anyone else ever heard of a link between general ansethesia and anxiety? How do you make it through the work day?? My boss is not understanding and I cant show how im feelling. please respond....

30-06-08, 13:47
hiya i cant help with your question but i wanna send u a :hugs: cos having anxiety and looking after kids is hard work. i cope by exercise brisk walking every day it keeps me sane. im sure you will feel better soon

30-06-08, 14:49
I broke my ankle 14 weeks ago and the anxiety/depression came on with a vengence especially last week. Be honest with your friends/boss about how you feel. It is embarassing at first, but just get it out of your system. It helps. Trust me.
Feel free to PM me.

30-06-08, 22:56
i was honest, they said if i didnt get the "problem" solved in a week they would force me to take a leave of absence. How do i PM you?

02-07-08, 14:09

I am afraid I can't help you but there is a section on medication on the forum which might help.