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View Full Version : Lump in throat, very scared and lost

30-06-08, 16:27
hey everyone. My name is Patty, I am 25 years old and I am new to this site. I am hoping that something lead me here to get some answers or even just friends to help me with this problem. A few months ago, I started choking on the left side of my throat, just out of the blue. I woke up one day, and felt like there was a huge lump in my throat. I choked very badly, couldn't swallow, etc. for months. My docs sent me to the ent, took cts, etc. and finally put me on Prolosec 2x a day, and Clartin. It finally helped or the symptoms just went away after I stopped eating all meats too I might add. Well, the symptoms were gone for about 4 months (not all the way, i still always felt it a little bit) but about a week ago, I woke up to feeling it again. The left side of my throat. I keep praying and praying for it to go away and it won't. I was born with a celft lip and palatte when I was born, so I have no Uluva (the thing that hangs down from the back of your mouth) and I do have a hole in the back of my throat on the left side. The doctor put me on Nexium 40mgs once a day, Allegra once a day, Steriod treatement (21 pills), and Omnicef antibotic. I don't know if its helping or not as I have only been on all of this since the 24th of this month. Right now it seems like my mouth is really dry (just the left side), and that there is something stuck in my throat, just the left side. All I am asking is for some help. The doctors here all think that is gerd and just releated to my cleft lip and pallate. I am so scared and tired of feeling this way. I can't even eat or drink anymore much. I have a four year old son and this is trully interfering with my life and I am just not happy anymore. If anyone out there can help me, please do. Thank you so much! :hugs:

30-06-08, 17:03
hiya and welcome i cant really help with your problem but wanted to give u a hug and say that you will get some good advice and support here and meet some new friends too hugs xxxx