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30-06-08, 16:28
i was given a cpn to help me with my panic attacks i have to have him for 12 weeks, im into my 3rd week and last week he wanted me to go out to the shops everyday but coulndnt do it since last week i have been feeling worse having alot of panic attacks some nonstop,

when he came up today i told him i was not able to what he had asked me cause i was feeling really bad and he said to me maybe we should stop the cbt and stop him coming but i fell like thats unfair,

he says i should be starting to feel better not worse.

i dont know what to do know i want to get better but i just dont see how putting me out is going to help me as its made me worse,

also i tried to talk to him to tell him how i was feeling but he said he wasnt here for that only here to help me go out

does anyone have any idea what i could do or has cbt helped anyone

would be gratfull for some help as this is really making me worse.

30-06-08, 16:59
I don't actually know that much about CBT but I have been offered it and will be starting it in 2/3 weeks.

It seems really unfair that he want's to stop it. I too have problems going out because of the anx so I do kind of know how you are feeling.

All I can say is That Trying To Go Out Really Does Help If You Can Find The Strength To Do It!! About 1 Month Ago I Never Left The House, But By Pushing Myself A Little Everyday I Can Pretty Much Go Out When I Want. I Am Still A Little Worried About Really Busy Places Like Pubs But I Am Getting Better.

I Hope You Feel Better Soon!!

30-06-08, 17:09
hiya your cpn doesnt sound too nice, i understand we have to really fight our fears and do these things but there are ways of helping someone and if he is puting enormous pressure on u then it will just make u worse. i would think about doing it without him or changing him. i am having cbt and its great im into my 8th session and really makin me confident hugs xx

30-06-08, 17:13
tks for ur replys i wish mine would make me feel better but i dont havent felt this bad for ages,

i have been trying to go out been taking the dog to the park and if im feel okay i do go into town i do try my hardest just when ur feeling bad its the last thing u want to do.

Cathy V
30-06-08, 20:47
Hi there Taylor, as donna said your cpn doesnt sound like he's being very helpful. Maybe he's in the wrong job! I had a cpn many years ago because of agrophobia and panics, and he was brilliant. He always came with me anywhere outside for quite some time until he felt i was ready to go it alone. I could talk to him about anything and when i told him about my heart phobia he set up a meeting with a chap who'd had a heart transplant! I was mortified at the thought of it but it went really well and helped me face my phobia. He took me in lifts, into supermarkets and any situation i found scary. Eventually he asked me to try it alone, well in fact the first few times he just kept his distance and kind of followed me, or he'd arrange to meet me off a bus in town or something, and slowly my confidence returned and i became 'me' again.

Then the NHS cut backs started and they took away the cpn's in my area (they only sent them to ppl with serious mental health issues and ppl like me lost cpn's like him. i will always remember him. So if you're still out there somewhere Tony i salute you coz dont think there are many around like you these days.

I agree with donna in that maybe you should look at changing yours coz he sounds like he'll make you feel worse instead of better. 'Tough Love' is all very well but you need soe understanding at least at the beginning of treatment, and his attitude so far is appalling.

Hope you get it sorted out soon
Best wishes
Cathy xxx