View Full Version : I have to go to the doctors but i cant even phone

30-06-08, 20:01
I found out a week or so ago that i am pregnant (only about 5 weeks but still pregnant). This will be my third and we did plan it so i am thrilled to be pregnant. I know I need to make an appointment with my doctor to confirm it and get in the midwifes list BUT I just cant pick up the phone to make the call :weep:

I had a major panic attack last time I was there and even the thought of going starts me off now.

My blood pressure is always high at the doctors, I have no idea if it is normally but I suspect it is at least a little on the high side normaly, although its is probably loads worse when taken at the doctors!

anyway I had preeclampsia with my last pregnancy whcih ended up with my in hosptial drips etc etc it was after that that the panic attacks really got out of control and one of the main reasons was worryin abotu my blood pressure! I was on medication to keep my blood pressure and even taking the medication gave me panic attacks!.

I dont really know what i am trying to say i am just really scared about going to the doctors, when you add the fact that I have had three miscarraiges and so i am worried about the outcome of the pregnancy as well, i just feel like a wreck. I know i just need to pick up the phone and go . I just cant :weep:

I am hoping my friend will come with me but in past experience this doesnt really seem to help much.


30-06-08, 20:25
my blood pressure is always up at the docs too.
take a friend and a good magazine and it wont be as bad as you think.
good luck x

30-06-08, 20:26
Hi Sophie,

First of all congratulations. If this was a planned pregnancy you knew you would have to see the doctors. There is no other way to say this than you need to get the courage and call for an appt. for you and the baby's health. You really have no alternative. Do take along a book, maybe the one that is "What To Expect When You Are Expecting" along for a read to keep your mind off of things. Try and remember that all pregnancies are different and just because the other one was difficult that doesn't mean this one will be, that said, it does mean you should go to the doctors as soon as possible. Do take care and post and tell us all about your visit. I say it would make a great success story!

Many hugs,

Laura xxx

30-06-08, 20:28

thanks I will def call tomorrow and try and get an appointment for the morning.
the funny thing is that i have never been THAT worried about going to the doctors until about two weeks ago. I went for a counsellors appointment and on the way just went into a total panic!, I know really its just a silly blip because of that


30-06-08, 20:47
That is the way to look at it, positively. I am very excited for you! We all have blips, but they aren't silly. Good luck and again congratulations!!!

Laura xxx