View Full Version : blood test - quick please

30-06-08, 21:58
do normal hospital/doctor blood tests show up dvt's?


30-06-08, 22:07
Im not really sure, I guess it depends what the doctor has asked for??

30-06-08, 22:08
I am not sure they do - that is usually done with an ultrasound type thing.

Why are you worried?

30-06-08, 22:18
well a few months ago, I had pains in my legs and slight swelling an dtenderness to touch, pain did go though, then recently, i had pains in my left arm that felt really tingly, and also as mentioned in another post I have hit my head recently, today after eating i got a really pulsating felling like in the roof of my mouth, then in my thorat like thier was something stuck in thier, amazingly though when this happened all my over pains i.e left arm and head pain went, was wondering if it could be a dvt travelling through my body, I now have chest pain and felling like something is stuck in my espogrus

have had loads blood tests but i.e liver electroylets etc.

i am really worried at the mo, as my sister had one at the same age as me.

30-06-08, 22:25
Sounds like anxiety to me - all over symptoms

DVT doesn't travel around like that as far as I know

30-06-08, 22:49
Hi Hendey
Sounds like anxiety to me, If it was a blood clot that started in your leg and moved through your body, it would have to pass through your heart and you would have had some form of cardiac distress by now.
Your doc. will have asked for a viscosity count and INR count as well as other things, this will show how sticky your blood cells are and how likely they are to form clots.if required he will put you on the necessary meds.
If you have already had bloods taken for liver and kidney function the path lab would have checked this already so I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Relax and you'll soon feel better.
Best wishes.

01-07-08, 06:38
Part of a clot can break off, but I doubt very much if this is the problem here.:D

01-07-08, 20:31
thanksfor all your helpfull replies, was just panicking a bit yesterday, bit more level headed to though, although still slightly anxious.

was just wondering what blood tests can actually show up, would they show up things like cancer, also would feacal occult tests show up cancer.

I know i'm thinking the worse, but i'm just curious.

01-07-08, 22:22
The short answer is yes a blood test and fecal occult tests could show up cancer markers and if they were positive your Dr. would request further investigations.
I know it's difficult but please try not to worry about things that might not be.

02-07-08, 18:39
I'm not sure if a normal blood test shows up dvt, but i know when i first started my original pill my blood had to get checked for thrombosis as my mum suffered with it, not sure if this is the but i think they just checked for that on it's own.