View Full Version : annoying thing

30-06-08, 23:01
I have an annoying thing which could be breaking down all my hard work, I have been very good lately and even with exam stress things have been ok, but there is something very annoying which could potentially bring it all down.

When I sneeze lately, in close sucession like 3-4 times in a row, my left eye which is tired and weak at the moment I know because I am stressed has like a momentary flicker like it is a light going on and off quickly little flashing led in the middle of my eye then when I close my eye it goes away and thats the only time I have seen it....extremely annoying has anybody had something similar...should I mention it to a doc, should I even bother....I did google but couldn't find any information on it and it's only about after a sneezing session.

Any help? maybe it will pass after my exams...I am just waaaay stressed.

01-07-08, 06:13
I get this sometimes, don't know what causes it, but I've never come to any harm from it.

01-07-08, 18:22
Thank you Catttt that is reassuring