View Full Version : palpitations. Are they common with anxiety??

01-07-08, 08:10
I have been a long term on/off anxiety sufferer. Recently I have had palpitation sensations, never constant but weird when they happen. Kind of like a fluttering or exaggerated heart beat that I feel at the top of my chest towards my neck. I don't have any chest pain just this weird sensation. I just wanted to see how common this was with anxiety. Thanks for all responses.

01-07-08, 08:42
i get this all the time sometimes feels like my heart will pop out of my mouth, is all anxiety but is soooooooooo weird

01-07-08, 09:37
Hi Grover
This definitely sounds like anxiety so don't panic too much,I suffer from them all the time especially at night(read my post's they are many) I get a thump in my chest,and a horrible feeling in my throat near to where a man's adam apple would be-they are horrible. I do know what you are going through as they can make you feel quite anxious which results in them getting worse so it's a bit of a vicious circle. Try some relaxation techniques or have word with your gp as I take beta-blockers(are you on any meds?)he may prescribe something if you are getting worried.
Hope you are feeling ok at the moment anyway,have a nice day
Mothermac xxxx

Cathy V
01-07-08, 09:42
Hey grover, i think youve been quite lucky to be a long time anx sufferer and got away with the palps until now :D !

Yes the flutters, bumps, missed beats, racing heart etc, are very unpleasent but are a 'normal' part of anxiety for many people. If its something youve never had before tho, it might be worth a mention to your doc just to reassure you. Are you on any new meds that might be making a difference to how you feel? A change of meds or taking them for the first time or stopping them can sometimes produce new symtoms. Otherwise i wouldnt worry too much. The docs never seem to be worried about them anyway!

Take care
Cathy xxx :)

01-07-08, 10:09
ive always been a worryer, but since i had my baby that worry just exploded and i started to have panic attacks, i thought i was dying at first or having a heart attack because my heart was beating so fast.
The doctor said palpatations are usually a sign of anxity attacks and walking and breathing slowly can stop them.
i find walking around makes me feel better and slows my heart down and helps with the dizzyness.

01-07-08, 13:09
Yes I have had anxiety for about 10 yrs now and its only recently I have started having palpatations, they are awful.

I am going to see my GP next week just to be sure but I am sure they are normal. Mine happen when I am relaxed, so strange, lol!