View Full Version : A Little Help and Advice Please:)

01-07-08, 09:17
Hi there

Have not posted for some time, but wanted some advice.

I have suffered along time with anxiety/panic/depression. In the last 2 years have suffered the worse episodes of my life, but I know why, alcohol!!

I am cutting down alot now as I take Citalopram, and if I have a drink, it makes my anxiety bad for up 2 days later, anybody else suffer with this?

The 2 things I am wondering about is I have suffered a little episode this week, but seem to have control of it now, however, I am finding it hard to get to sleep as I am trying not to drink. I am wondering about taking half a tablet of Sominax the sleeping tablet, what do you think? My doctor will not prescribe any form of diazapam as he says I will become addicted. He wont even give me 3 to get me through my fear of flying, is that a bit odd?

Also, I have strange thoughts recently, like "I wonder what it would be like if I picked up a glass and threw it through the window"!! What is that all about?

Jackie xx

01-07-08, 12:44
hiya and i cant help with the meds but wanted to say that if i have more than 1 or 2 drinks it sends my anxietys through the roof so i try not to drink really as i feel bad for days after. anyway sending u a big hug xxxxx

01-07-08, 14:39

I think the thoughts are all part of anxiety though might be good to seek some form of therapy as well as the meds.

Like Donna said, I can't comment on the meds but I am the same if I drink, I become much more anxious. When I was really anxious I stopped drinking for a few months, now I do drink but need to keep an eye on the amount.

01-07-08, 21:09
Hi there

Thanks so much for the help. I thinking I am making myself more anxious about the drink, gonna see how I feel day to day.


01-07-08, 21:50
hi jackie i hope u r feeling better today. hugs xxx

01-07-08, 22:13
Hi Jackie,
Quote "I am cutting down alot now as I take Citalopram, and if I have a drink, it makes my anxiety bad for up 2 days later, anybody else suffer with this? "
"My doctor will not prescribe any form of diazapam as he says I will become addicted. He wont even give me 3 to get me through my fear of flying, is that a bit odd?"

I suspect this is the reason why your Doc. will not prescribe Diazepam for you at present,alcohol has the same effect as Diazepam on the body and therefore could make your anxiety worse.
Stick to your sominex, It's a mixture of antihistamine and analgesic and will help you sleep.
Hope you feel better soon.

02-07-08, 01:54
I am cutting down alot now as I take Citalopram, and if I have a drink, it makes my anxiety bad for up 2 days later, anybody else suffer with this?

Alcohol is certainly a depressant so will affect our mood. However, I also think that anything that has an undesirable effect to our "inner balance" such as alcohol and meds combined "may" create increased anxiety as we like to feel in control of our mind and body. I think sometimes we maybe unaware that our body is being affected and that it's out of sync, and all we are aware of is the increased anxiety.

He wont even give me 3 to get me through my fear of flying, is that a bit odd?

It doesn't surprise me because diazepam is very addictive and isn't a good combination with alcohol because both combined will make you drowsy at the very least. I'm not saying you would but maybe your doctor is thinking how too much alcohol and too many meds shouldn't be mixed.

Also, I have strange thoughts recently, like "I wonder what it would be like if I picked up a glass and threw it through the window"!! What is that all about?

I think this is one of those spontaneous thoughts that is a symptom of how you're feeling. The glass represents alcohol and throwing it represents your frustration of needing a drink to cope with your anxiety and also not feeling able to be free of anxiety.:hugs:

02-07-08, 14:14
i had odd thoughts when i took citalopram like i wonder what would happen if i did.... or thinking the wind was going to break in throught the door and get me but if the cat was sitting on me it would be ok.

Dr changed the meds to prozac in the end and the thoughts went

02-07-08, 14:18
Yes I get terrible anxiety attacks after i've been drinking. For me it's a vicious circle, I drink because i'm anxious and feel better for a few hours, then for the next couple of days I can barely leave the house because I get very anxious and start to shake. It's going to be hard for me but i'm going to give up drinking for a month just to see if it makes much difference.

03-07-08, 07:57
Hi there

Thanks for all your support.

I have not had a drink since Monday evening. Now, I am an alcoholic and have battled this for some time. I definately feel better today, but yesterday was an horific "cold turkey" day, but managed to get through it. My husband is very supportive.

Love xxxxx