View Full Version : I can't do this any more-please, please read

01-07-08, 10:24
First of all I need to say a big thank you to everyone for being here for me over the past couple of years. I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this but can't think of anywhere else I can do this and not feel judged.

Before you continue it may be a good idea to read my posts (from 2 years ago) on my alcoholic husband who I thought until very recently was "recovering".

My story is not a happy one. I'm going to start from the beginning so bear with me while I ramble a while.

At 2 my parents divorced and from the age of 4 til 18 I had absolutely no contact with my biological dad (for reasons I won't go into here but we are very much reconciled and so close). My mother remarried when I was 5 and my step-dad, it soon became apparant was a violent alcoholic. When I was 15 it became much much worse and his violence (always toward me) escalated. At 18 we fled to a town 30 miles away after an incident where he put his hands round my throat. We lived in fear away from him for a year until he suddenly hanged himself in 1993. The day the police came to the door I was going to tell my mother I was pregnant at 19 and uni was definitely up the chute. I had my beautiful son jan 1994 and it soon became apparant that my fiance had a drink and drug problem so I left in march 95. A couple of weeks later he hanged himself exactly 23 months after my step-dad. I was needless to say devastated. On the rebound several months later I began seeing a childhhood friend: in 1996 my daughter was born and we married in 1997- it was a disaster- he was possessive etc etc and we split dec 1999 I soon after lost my home and was homeless- it was a very low point and that's when I met my now husband in feb 2000. I suffered a year and a half of violence at his hands and he was a chronic alcoholic. I left but soon found out I was pregnant again and he changed overnight: but it didn't last. But the violence has never resurfaced since. My daughter was born aug 2002 and things were good but the drinking took a hold again. He would disappear for days and eventually I caught him in the early stages of an affair with an 18 yr old neighbour. He pleaded forgiveness, we went to counselling and the drinking got better. The drinking got out of hand badly at the start of 2006 and we'd already started planning our wedding, then as some of you may know, my anxiety took a hold on me worse than ever before. We married- Christ knows why- he was disappearing for long spells all the time- and it just got worse: he even abandoned me for 8 days on our honeymoon in spain. In Sept that year he disappeared for 9 days and i was frantic. He did come back and was immediately hospitalised due to a huge overdose (he was now using cocaine and spending all our money). The shock seemed to jar him and again he got better until mar 2007 i found he'd been persuing another young neighbour. He, again, was sorry and after some ups and downs really began to change and for almost a year it's been great......and here comes the BUT

He took a job as a chef in a local country pub (I know: sounds mad for an alcoholic to work in a pub but he was upfront to the boss and staff and the kitchen was seperate from the bar anyway and if he's gonna drink we have 3 offies on our doorstep- you can't avoid forever). It was my best friend who got him the job as her bf was a chef there too. Anyway my husband became very close to the landlady- an 44 yr old, cuddly 18 stone woman. (i'm 7 st 10, ). I thought it was lovely- my husbands parents are real sh**s but thats another story- and I saw her as a well needed mother figure. But in the last couple of months i hardly saw him. He would stay at the pub when her husband went fishing (they are married in name only) and i was fine- I genuinely saw no threat. But lately she has been buying him loads of clothes and he's been really nasty to me and given me no support during this last relapse. On sunday I took my son to a concert and while there he called me and we had this row- he'd been really horrible to my sister-in-law and the next thing, SHE calls (the landlady) and says she's at my house- he's drunk she'll wait there til i get back so the girls are looked after.. I already had my suspicions the drinking had resumed. Yesterday while I was at work she rung me to say they were going for lunch and she'd get him sorted out for me. After that they both switched off their phones and were gone the best part of the day. I was fuming as he had cash AND my bank card and I had no money. She later came to my door and gave me £40 but no card and said she was going to bluewater shopping with girlfriends(?)- an hour later my card came throught the door. I immediately went to the cashpoint and he's cleared our bank of all our savings £3500!! I went ballistic and called my friend who's bf works with my husband. I have found out from them that she bought him a £2500 rolex, that people are talking and her husband is mad as hell. I also discovered that she has had lots of boyfriends- around my husbands age and married with kids too and that she spends loads of money on them to buy them. Also she asked her hubby for a divorce on thurs last week. Now I'm so, so angry and distraught, I can't even begin to explain; devastated does not even begin to cover it. Now I don't want to sound shallow but she's enormous and old and looks like a lesbian. (I was a size 18 years ago so I'm really not being mean). He's obviously in for the money- he's very looks orientated. And unfortunately when he's on the drink he's obsessed with money (his parents are very rich). She's also from what i can gather been facillitating his drinking after promising me that she'd NEVER allow him to drink again. I've also noticed that she couldn't look me in the eye the last couple of weeks but I just thought I'd said something to upset or annoy her.

Please, please tell me what it is I've done to deserve this crap. I'm at the lowest point possible. So numb I can't even cry and I'm ashamed to say that last night I put holes in most of his clothes- most of which SHE bought him. And I've noticed she buys him black and he wears it all the time- he was always an Alfie Moon shirt guy if you get me. She wears black all the f***ing time! I'm so angry and I'm sorry for rambling but my world has just come to an end. I feel like throwing in the towel.

Where am i going to go from here cos I can't even think straight- been up all night.

Please help me understand this


Cathy V
01-07-08, 10:45
Hi shiv, so sorry you're in this state at the moment, and you ask for help to understand your situation. From what ive read so far, its probably more clear to ppl outside looking in, and thats always the way isnt it, but really all i can see is thatyou are suffering because you are letting the men in your life treat you like you dont matter, and believe me ive also been there twice myself.

All your anxieties are because of exhaustion at trying to save the men in your life from their demons. Your man is not treating you as he should be and you have made it your mission to save him....why? Take control of your own life and let him waste his if thats what he's intent on doing. Don't waste another moment on someone who shows you so little respect. Ok i know its hard letting go of a life with someone youve been with a long time, but making the break is the only way to break the cycle of being his 'carer'. You deserve a life without constant anxiety and pain. You deserve to sleep at night without worry, and you deserve to be happy again.

Take care
Cathy xxx :flowers:

01-07-08, 10:52
Hello Siobhan,
I don't really have any advice, but just wanted to express my sympathy... I can only imagine how awful you're feeling. Hang in there... these dark times do pass eventually. :hugs:

01-07-08, 10:55
hi siobham, u poor thing u dont deserve any of this. ok listen now either throw him out completely and have nothing more to do with him hun because he has totally disrespected u so many times and he is definately not worth runinig any more of your life over. or if u have a close friend or someone you can trust totally get them to help u and move away and start again somewhere. but most important you need to get rid of him and spend time on yourself because wot with kids too if u are not coping your kids will see it and they will suffer too. please work on yourself hun and no men for a while. learn to like yourself and love yourself and work through your probs and then you will be confident to eventually meet a nice decent man and not a scumbag hun. please u can get through this and u are obviously very strong for wot u been through so u can do it, b strong for u and your kids thats wots important nothing else. pm me anytime if u need a friend to talk too. hugs and u will b ok xxxx

01-07-08, 11:14
Thank you Cathy, Donna and Samira. I'm actually crying writing this- and I thought I had no more tears left. I can't tell you what it means to me.

Donna and Cathy, I know you are right. I see someone really good sometimes but the bad side is sooo bad I'd almost forgotten. I just don't know where I can get the strength from to do this. I have no money- He even took my phone charger so I have no phone. Also I have shared custody of my middle daughter with my ex husband who lives 5 doors away (!) so moving away is not an option. The worst part is going to be the "I told you so's" but not from my dad- he's been so supportive and stood by us what ever we did which most people didn't.

Again thanks so much

Siobhan x

01-07-08, 11:16
Btw do you think it was really bad to wreck his clothes?- I'm having major guilt- it's amazing what the combination of woman scorned+half bottle of wine can do.

01-07-08, 11:19
god no i think thats mild compared to wot i would do honey, do NOT feel guilty he has betrayed and hurt u in the most horrid way more than once

01-07-08, 11:21
I'm a little bit worried about what he'll do when he finds out though

01-07-08, 11:25
right ok can your dad help u with alittle money just to help u out with stuff. the 'i told u so's' DO NOT matter hun ignore them these people are not important to u, wots important are u and your kids, please remember that, hold your head up high, non of this is your fault u are not in the wrong here.
you will find strength we always do when we need it, u have shown you are a tough cookie already. sometimes its easier to see all the good thingsa about someone we care about and how great they make us feel, especially if we dont get alot of love in our life and we let the bad stuff go cos we wanna hang on to the good bits but those bad bits are very bad and drag us down until we are so low and feel useless and bad about ourselves and we just put up with it. u are worth much more than this and deserve some genuine love and happiness so please lose this bloke cos he is ruining your life and in 6 months time you will feel alot better xxx hugs xxx

01-07-08, 11:27
bag his things up and put them outside and dont let him back in hun

01-07-08, 11:27
if things get a bit loud or he kicks off call the police they will keep things on record

01-07-08, 11:40
Oh they're bagged up alright- just don't wnat my ex or his wife to see the bags outside or they'll think "here we go......"

01-07-08, 11:41
You ever thought about being an agony aunt Donna?

Siobhan x

01-07-08, 12:01
haha not sure about that i make enough mistakes in my own life to be good at that

01-07-08, 12:03
i think u are doing just fine hun and stay strong and ignore wot your ex and wife thinks dump his bags and let him go and dont let him back hun. start again just for u and kids and it will be hard yes but u will get there and it will be worth it, doing it all for u xx ps get angry and remember why he is not worth it and then take charge and sod anyone looking or gossiping u are better than that and show them you dont care and deep down they will respect you for that

01-07-08, 12:06
I know what you mean. I'm excellent dishing out the advice but can't seem to follow my own.

God I feel so sick right now. Had nothing to eat since yesterday and that was just a sandwich

I still don't have the proof that this is an actual affair but there must be something up, right?

01-07-08, 12:09
well your first instinct is usually the right one hun, if we think too much we end up thinking the opposite. go and eat u must kp your strength up. i have made loads of mistakes and trusted too many bad people but i have learnt lots and grown stronger and u will too

01-07-08, 12:16
Now to put the top hat on everything, I've just found a HUGE lump behind my ear- I could really do withou my HA kicking in today

01-07-08, 12:21
aww look its prob not half as big as u think it is, let me tell u my other half said to me other day he had huge lump on back of head at bottom and was so worried wheni checked it was little just big to him and it was a boil these can get huge and painfuland u mostly get them in stressful situations, please dont worry about that honest. just concentrate on getting him away from u before he really destroys u and your family and buiding your confidence. samaritons are great for phone talking if u need the extra help hun and also point u in direction of other help for you.

01-07-08, 12:28
I got no house phone and he took my charger for my mobile. I don't even know my friends phone number by heart

01-07-08, 12:32
can u write her a letter? or stay with your dad for a bit? But u need support from someone u really trust. theres always a way hun. stay focused u will get there. there is free text on computer if u need to use it too just type in free texts

01-07-08, 12:54
Managed to switch on my phone to get my friends number. He sent a message about me spreading malicious rumours about people ie him and HER.

I feel sicker and sicker

01-07-08, 13:08
i think u need to change you number too hun asap. dont worry about wot he says. try and gather support around u, it will help u to gain strength mayb your dad will help u too. glad u got yr friends number. try get someone to change your locks too if u can, if he frightens u in anyway

01-07-08, 13:25
He reckons he has a check for me for £1500. What about the other effing two grand!! He only worked the last few months, Most of its my damn money- I'm furious. I worked hard for that. I've looked after the sick, elderly and dying for virtually minimum wage the last 18 months and he waltzes off with most of my money, gggrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

01-07-08, 13:57
aww mate thats so bad, he needs locking up hun. take the cheque mate and start your life play it sneaky if u have to to get wot u need from him but think of u and kids

01-07-08, 13:58
make sure also he cant get to any money you have or will have change accounts, locks wot ever u need to do

01-07-08, 14:22
Dear Shiv,

First of all huge hugs to you. I've missed talking to you. You do not deserve this treatment at all. Second thing is you do not have hard concrete proof that they are having an affair, just taking money. You do have proof that something is not right in your marriage. I would even say from the beginning it hasn't been right, no-one disappears on their honeymoon do they? You knew when you married him what he was all about. This is no lecture. We both know we have both been there before. The problem as I see it is why you feel you deserve this treatment still? Why in the world would you be asking yourself if you did a bad thing by cutting holes in his clothes? I think you need to be focusing on your behavior and not his because let's face it you can't fix him no matter how hard you try. You can, however, fix you and go on to a healthy relationship in the future. You have been repeating your relationships from one bad cookie to another. Thankfully you have gotten some wonderful children out of them.

Temporary years of bliss with you probably holding your breath wondering when he will take another drink or possibly fool around to me is not what you want from here on out. Don't you just hate walking on those eggshells, I did! Plus, it doesn't matter what the woman looks like or how old she is, to me your competition is alcohol and rarely does the woman ever win.

If I were you, I would get some serious counseling about why you settled for all this in the first place. Why you think you deserved something like this and not something better. I know the root of it all stems from childhood but you need to get it out and deal with it and from there you can move forwards.

I wish only the best for you my friend. You deserve so much better. I know how deeply hurt and angry you are right now. I hope you get to the point one day where you feel nothing towards him, then and only then will you be better.

Love and many hugs,


01-07-08, 14:28
hiya Lauras advice is very good advice hun and she is talking from experience. there are lots of people here to support you so be strong and get the help u need and get rid mate xxxx

01-07-08, 14:42
I know; Laura was great when I went through all this crap 2 years ago. And Laura, you're right as always.

Please tell me how to start feeling better about myself. I can't see any light at the moment and my life seems one long tragedy or disaster after another and I think it's either of my own making or because I simply deserve it.

Why is does everything in life seem so bad to me right now. I can't find a way out of this. Every option leads me down a dark road and I don't think I can face any more


01-07-08, 14:51

No way do you deserve it and please know that. I know things seem dark right now that is shock and betrayal. You will get through this you are so strong. Right now you need support, call someone, a friend or a family member. Tell them to please not say "I told you so" just say I don't need you to fix this right now I just need you to hold me and then cry your heart out. Just get the pain out. Then perhaps you can think of how to move forwards for your children's sake. Believe me, I know this is not easy. The first major decision you need to make is whether or not you are going to stay with him and only you can make it. No-one will judge you for staying with him because only you know whether or not it is worth it. It is your life. I am only speaking from my experience and how I broke my pattern. You know all of that stuff. I am always here if you need me hun. Please take care of yourself and eat something. You just can't make yourself ill over this okay?

Love and many more hugs,



You are not the cause of this man's behavior. No-one makes someone do something, you must believe this if you don't believe anything else.

Granny Primark
01-07-08, 15:47
I really dont know what to say about the terrible things that have happened. Im sure you are a wonderful person and that you will have the strength to get through this.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

02-07-08, 19:11
Hi all,

Things got much worse today. He came today to "talk" and then proceded to tell a lot of lies and become agressive (been drinking with his boss since sunday and it turns out for the last 2 months regularly). Then he somehow got another drink in him and thats when I spoke to my dad and found out my grandad is DYING- I mean its imminent, like days, possibly weeks and thats when he started to tell me that I'm a miserable attention seeker and that all our friends have deserted us because of my moaning and attention seeking ways. Then he said in front of our 5 year old daughter that my daughter hates me because I'm a miserable bitch. My head is so messed up I actually am starting to think he's right. What if it's my depression and anxiety driving everyone away. I feel like nothing- maybe I am unlovable and detestable.
I just don't know. I can't even think straight. But one thing I'm almost certain of is that I don't think I want him in mine or my childrens lives any more.
I'm so low: rock bottom doesn't even come close


02-07-08, 19:25
hi siobhan hun, aww big hugs things will get difficult for the moment hun cos he is drinking not thinking rationally and is being spiteful, you know u are a good mum, DO NOT let him twist your mind and thoughts cos u know exactly how it is and its not your fault. dont over think stuff mate cos u will end up thinking all sorts, get rid of him totally and block him out and concentrate and u and your kids. u need to get angry hun and then u will find strength, do not let him bully u and make u feel this way. im so sorry about yr grandad please start thinking about you not him cos he is a loser hun and u must not let him ruin u anymore, find your fight get angry and think of all the crap he put u through. hugs xx

02-07-08, 20:10
Thank you Donna
You're so right again. I hate him so much at the moment I don't know what to do. Now he's on the phone "sorry, sorry, blah blah blah, yadda, yadda, yadda". I can't deal with this Jeckyl and Hyde crap. AAEEERRGGHHHHHHHH!

How did I manage to find a creep like this, I don't know. I seem to pick the real gems don't I.

Siobhan x

P.s. Donna, can you move in with me- I have the feeling you'd have him on his way in 10 seconds flat!

02-07-08, 20:22
haha well id certanly sort him out mate but i know when u r actually in that situation its alot harder than just lookin in from outside. whys he on the phone hun? i would change your number and delete him hun he just windin u up and u need to get shot. u r worth so much more than him, please remember that

02-07-08, 20:25
AT the mo Im trying to get my mind off it by posting answers to other threads. Knowing you might be helping someone does make you feel like you're worth something eh? Don't worry about me mate, there's people far worse off

TC Siobhan x

02-07-08, 20:31
well pm me anytime hun and yeah helping others is great. be strong hugs xxx

03-07-08, 00:45

I am so sorry about your Grandad, I recently lost my Grandmother and my heart goes out to you. As for your hubby, please ignore him. His cries are those of a desperate man and he knows you have had your fill of him. He will now probably go to many measures to either disrespect you or try to keep your love. You know the game. It is now your turn to win.

Many hugs,


03-07-08, 13:43
Hiya Shiv

I have been reading your thread and feel so bad for you, sorry about your grandad and your money. This guy has obviously got a problem, imagine having a go in front of your little girl, you stay strong hun and get him out of your life you have a golden opportunity to do this with all of what he has done.
My husband gambles and over the last six months I have made him get a loan to pay off his credit card debts and cut up his cards etc etc. Since Feb I have had three months off work with stress and anxiety/panic attacks and have been back since June. My husband blames me for the stress he is under and reading between your lines he seems to be of a similar ilk to yours. Don't believe him when he trys to put you down and says things are your fault they aren't, you have been an absolute saint to put up with him and he is panicking now because you his support system will be gone. I put up with similar behaviour and now i am making a stand and putting myself first for once he doesn't like it.

I know how difficult your situation is hun, grab the nettle love and go for it I hope I can when my time comes.

Sorry for the ramble

Lots of love


03-11-08, 12:59
Hi all, thought I'd update you all on what's been occuring with me.

Yep I took him back like the big eejit i am but at the end of august after a dreadful holiday, I finally took the plunge and kicked him out for good and despite a lot of harrassment (there's an ongoing police case going on) I am happier than I ever thought possible.

Depression: GONE!!
Anxiety: 97% GONE!!

Says it all really eh!!?

I'm now in a relationship with a gorgeous, kind, sweet young policeman who lives 160 miles away which suits me just fine cos I'm now finally having some real bonding time with my kids and its kinda cool.

May post on success stories later but for now I hope you're all well, particularly Laura and Donna amongst others who were proper rocks: I never forgot your words of wisdom and I did eventually fall back on those words when I took the plunge

Love to all

Siobhan x

03-11-08, 15:02
oh hello siobhan its lovely to hear from you and that you are doing so well, welldone you.

im glad u finally were strong enough to kick him out for good and now u got a hunky copper hey well things are looking up hehe.

im here anytime and pm me too, im so pleased and be proud of yourself for being strong and saying no more i can do better. hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-11-08, 23:26
Hey Donna how's things going with your mum and dad?

Pooh x

04-11-08, 01:51
i will pm u poo xx

04-11-08, 15:07
I can't express how happy I am for you my friend. Finally you have what you deserve!!! When you have time I would love to hear how you two met and what went on during all these months. Until then, please take care of yourself and children.

Love and hugs,


04-11-08, 15:37
hey siobhan, me and laura need to hear a good old love story hehe, did he sweep u up in his arms and carry u off into the sunset?

well ok then mayb thats just in my imagination cos im jealous u all loved up with a copper like. hehe

i do luv a man in uniform lol.

ok, ill calm myself down now, but like laura id love to hear how u met so on. hugs xxx

Veronica H
04-11-08, 15:38
:bighug1: Shiv, you have been through so much and you don't deserve this. I think Cathy has hit the nail on the head here and everyone else has given you great advice. Things will get better , and I would have done the same with the clothes.


04-11-08, 15:43
hi veronica if u read near end of thread u will see shiv has met someone new and finally kicked him out, just thought id mention incase u wondering why we posting like are. hugs to u xxxx