View Full Version : left sided odd sensations

01-07-08, 12:11
Hi, I have just found this site and hope I can find some like minded people who can empathise! I have had 'odd' sensations in my neck shoulder and hip and these are associated with feelings of the most awful doom and anxiety. I often feel sick and my head feels tight. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had surgery 13 years ago. Due to this I am on a high dose of thyroxine which my specialist tells me is non negotiable as it stops my cancer coming back.I ahve had these symptoms for over 10 years.They can last over 24 hours and stop me doing things as I feel so il and frightened.They usually fade after about a day and occur once or twice a week with no warning and no pattern.
I ahve seen three neurologists (yes I know sounds a lot) andhave had MRI scans of my head and neck, have bben assured I am in good health. However these sympoms are sooo debillitating and exhaust me.
Any thoughts, or anyone with similar symptoms? I am feeling rough today with the symptoms
Regards milly
ps I am 54 (tomorrow is my birthday!)

01-07-08, 12:13
hello and welcome to nmp you will find lots of great advice and support here and meet lots of lovely new friends too hugs xxx

04-07-08, 16:22
Did you mean to close this thread?

I have re-opened it anyway.

04-07-08, 16:27
Hi Milly,

welcome to the site. I too have hypothyroid issues and got to tell you it isn't fun! I do hope today finds you feeling better. Many here will understand how you are feeling anxiety wise. Happy Belated Birthday!

Take care,


04-07-08, 17:34
I've been having odd sensations on my left side of my face and though nothing of it until I saw a commercial on American TV stations about stroke and I saw a doc about it.
I'm not a doc and I don't play one on TV but I'm bringing this up since you didn't in your original post.
In my case, it turns out, I'm not even remotely at risk for stroke but I'M glad I went.
There's tons of website out there about it of course.

All the best to you and take good care of yourself.

05-07-08, 16:18
:welcome: Hi, you've stumbled upon the right place!
I hope you find this site as useful and friendly as i do.
Hope to catch you in chat soon.
C xxx

05-07-08, 22:36
Hi Milly and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

milly jones
09-07-08, 17:48
happy belated birthday milly

welcome to nmp

from milly 43 lol xx

12-07-08, 17:02
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx