View Full Version : panic

01-07-08, 14:21
Ok I started cipralex on fri and since then been having obsessional thoughts like what if i hurt someone (i dont want to)

Could that be because my anxiety is higher just now at the start of tabs or could the ssri make me do something like that - im worried

01-07-08, 14:40
It is all related to anxiety. I used to think i was going to kill myself or someone else ( i didnt want to either). if you go to the search at the top of the page and type in anxiety symptoms on website search it will give you a link to the nmp symptoms page. I read this all the time it reassures me and i cant beleve all the symptoms that anxiety actually produces!!!

01-07-08, 14:42
Hi there

I would say it is much more likely to be the first. Sometimes we have these strange thoughts and think 'that is not like me' and that makes it even more scary. I had the same thought when I began taking meds. I have read a couple of books on anxiety and each one meantions these kind of thoughts. So i think it is only natural.


01-07-08, 19:51
I am worried that by taking cipralex its going to make me into a murderer - i keep being terrifird every time i see a knife etc in case i do something - which is not me!!

01-07-08, 21:22
Don't worry you won't turn into a murderer, these are only thoughts and just let them pass through your mind without giving them any attention. I know they are scary but it is only the anxiety it will settle down once you are used to the new meds.
Take care:bighug1:

02-07-08, 02:13
Our minds focus on fear so that anything that represents danger will trigger fearful thoughts of "losing control" because fear makes us need to feel in control at all times like walking a safe path.

Thoughts that make us feel afraid cause anxiety symptoms which in themselves create fear so we do our best to avoid thinking fearful thoughts to avoid the symptoms they produce. We like to keep to our safe path by not allowing us to experience bad thoughts to keep in control of our feelings to avoid anxiety symptoms.

Fear creates these bad thoughts Because we live in fear. If we stand at the top of a clifftop watching a sunset, we fail to see the beauty of the sunset because fear makes us focus on not getting too close to the edge and the long drop from the clifftop instead!

We need to learn to allow ourselves to venture off our safe path to think bad thoughts without being afraid of them because they're just thoughts created by our fear and then the bad thoughts stop troubling us so we can then enjoy the good things in life.:hugs: