View Full Version : need advise??? please read

01-07-08, 16:22
hi all, i went to my gp to to get help for my panic attacks, was on propranolol, got really bad side affects, so they have now given me flux eg prozac i think thats wat u call it, should i take this? any1 else on this med? how long wil it take to work? thanks pamela xxx

02-07-08, 00:05
hiya sorry no one answered your post. i cant help with meds but others will. i just want to send u a hug.xxxxx ps and welcome to nmp

02-07-08, 08:14
Hi Pammy

Hugs to you. if you type in prozac in search it should bring up some threads that will help you.

I know that in general most anti depressants can take 2-3 weeks before having any effect sometimes longer.

They may have side effects but these are individual to each person and generally subside after a while.

With most Anti D's i think there is an element of perseverance as they are not instant in relieving symptons.

sorry I can't be anymore help but i hope they work for you xxx