View Full Version : Flying alone - words of support please

01-07-08, 16:35
Hello All,

On friday I am flying on my own to see my friend in Holland. I am terrified of losing control, getting lost and being fair away from home. Any tips or words of advice would be greatly appreciated.



01-07-08, 16:42
keep your phone on you then any probs you can ring a love one for chat till the bad turn gos

01-07-08, 16:47
I'm doing the same thing tomorrow, so good luck to the both of us! I suppose it's really the same thing as going with someone, except that we have to rely on ourselves...which I'm not so great at doing but I have to learn one of these days, right? (I'm 22 and haven't been away from home much).

And if you really get worried the flight attendants and people are friendly and they will help you. One time my mom got sick on a super-long flight across the Pacific and they were so kind to her, giving her medicine and tummy-settling drinks to help her feel better, checking up on her every five minutes.

02-07-08, 09:16
im utterly terrified of flying but one of the best flights i ever had was on my own! i think it was simply the fact that i had no one there to rely on and i had to get through it. if my husband is there i go to pieces and i know he is there for me to lean on. but when i was on my own the feelings of panic where there but i had to handle it or risk totally freaking out and making a fool of myslef. the feeling of achievement i got when it was over was fantastic.
be brave and believe in yourself and you will get through it and be so proud of yourself when its over.
have a great trip
take good care
love kelly xxxx

Cathy V
02-07-08, 10:23
I also dont like flying very much but since coming to live here in germany i have to fly back to UK to see my family. Some of my coping strats are to choose the seat online when i book, coz i prefer to be at the front then i dont have a plane load of ppl in front of me, and i can be one of the first ppl off! It also means im closer to the toilet if i need it. I also try to think that the crew are there every day, they fly back and forth all day every day, every week, every month etc so if they can do it as a job sometimes for years, surely i can do it once in a while.

And its true that the staff are really helpful. My daughter has just gone back to UK after visiting me here for a few months, and both times on the plane they could see she was nervous and alone and gave her drinks and words of comfort and generally looked out for her. They do understand. Of course im not recommending you take any alcohol but i also find having a glass of wine in the airport before take off helps too!

Enjoy your trip.
Best wishes
Cathy xxx :)

02-07-08, 10:51
Just wanted to say, I think it's amazing that you're doing something like this. I've never flown alone, get scared even with other people, so I think you're so brave and strong for doing this. Try to focus on how good you'll feel after. xxx

02-07-08, 18:43
michelle, you will already be gone, when you get my message.....

...i have every faith in you and i hope you are having a really great time....

...i wish i was your best mate, id travel everywhere with you !!!!!!

love and cuddles dawny xxxxx

03-07-08, 08:03
Hi there

I had suffered the same in the past. Make sure you are well prepared the day before, so you will not get anxious about forgetting things etc. You wont get lost and you will be fine.

I suffered quite badly for about 10 mins on a plane once, I grabbed the flight attendant and told her, she sat with me and talked to me until the panic had gone, very helpful people. They experience passangers with anxiety all the time, so you are not alone.

Keep smilling and above all, enjoy yourself.

Jackie xx