View Full Version : Hi everyone

01-07-08, 17:10
I was diagnosed with depression in early May (July 1 now) and it seems like years ago now.

I know I'll get stronger and be a better person knowing what I know now.

In a nutshell, I cried daily and often, my energy diminished and I experienced the most powerful anxiety attack I could imagine having (it was during a client presentation; I had to excuse myself while I went to get a glass of water, hoping I wouldn't black out; I resumed the presentation scared, shaken, pale and sweating; I was hit by 2 other smaller yet mighty waves before I had to stop the presentation).
That's when I knew I was not well.

I saw a wonderful caring psychologist who sent me to my clinic to get a Rx for Effexor. I continue to see the psch every 2nd week or so and we're working on my personal issues.

So, it's been two months now and I've gone from 75mg to 150mg.
The crying has gone away completely and depression has tapered off somewhat. There are minor and more important negative side effects; the worst seems to be fainting spells and we're looking into that to see how dangerous they are.

I have some catching up to do to recharge the battery, so my work days are limited to one client meeting or 3-4 hours of work. That is particularly difficult for me to accept.

I want to thank people like you who contribute your experiences to this forum and the people who put the forum up.

I used to be one of those people who never asked for help - I'm sure some of you will identify with that - and have become someone who seeks and uses all the help he can get.

I'll be dropping in once in a while and look forward to giving and taking help going forward to become stronger.

See you all later.

milly jones
01-07-08, 17:46
well stronger

a warm welcome to nmp

nmp has been a life saver for me in offering me support, encouragement and friendship over the past few months

hope u will find benefit here too

milly xxxx :hugs:

01-07-08, 18:28
Hi Stronger,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

01-07-08, 20:38
Hi Stronger and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I'm pleased to hear the psychologist is helping and your depression is getting better.

Take care,

Mike :)

01-07-08, 23:02
Hi Stronger,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


02-07-08, 06:14
Hi Stronger. Welcome to NMP. It's a great site for caring, supportive people who understand what it's like to have depression. Enjoy!!

02-07-08, 14:48
Thanks everyone.
I spent a few hours on your 'cyber-village' yesterday and am comforted by the culture and sharing.
I'll be doing much more reading before I feel I can post anything of signifcant value. What I've posted to date helps me, for sure... the writing is a bit therapeutic for me, as it is for others, I suspect.


02-07-08, 21:16
Hello Stronger And Welcome And Yes U Will Get Stronger :) I Wish Ya Well...........linda

06-07-08, 17:08
Hi Stronger

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get some great support and advice here.

12-07-08, 17:21
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

27-08-08, 03:21
Hi all, an update which may help some of you guage your progress and determine what to do next.
My psychologist and family doctor agreed I should see a psychiatrist to evaluate Effexor for my needs : difficult side-effects include very dry mouth (trouble swallowing), occasional fainting, libido down to 5%, fatigue to name a few.

Diagnosis :
* depression is resolved (understand I'm holding together with Effexor's anti-depressant effect)
* continue Effexor until next June and then start weaning for 2-3 months,
* appreciate my good friends who have suported me.
* get to bed and wake up early .
* exercise : tai chi
* lots of sunlight
* Vitamin D 400
* Get blood test for thyroid (which could explain fatigue and dry skin and libido issues)

I hope this helped some of you evn just a bit. I've certainly learned from reading hundreds of your posts.