View Full Version : feeling so unsteady

01-07-08, 20:32
hi, i posted earlier am feeling so unsteady, i have had 3 really good days and then today i bent down and had a sharp pain in my head and now my face feels weird i have been doing so well does anyone ever get the feeling that your eyeball is gonna pop out with the pressure that is behind it, i am so frightened that i am gonna have a stroke or something terrible feeling really worried, seems to go from one eye to the othet eye really weird can anyone relate to me xxxx:weep:

01-07-08, 21:24
please does anyone feel this way i am so worried x

Cathy V
01-07-08, 21:56
Hi there, i see that you also posted about this earlier and had some replies, and im only adding to what the others have said already, thats its only your anxiety that making you think theres something wrong. If the head pain came on when you bent down then maybe your sinuses are a bit blocked and that would also affect your ears and your eyes because these things are all linked together, which is also why we suffer with all three things when we have a head cold.

You are not going to have a stroke and your eye won't pop out, please dont worry. I know its an uncomfortable feeling and your panic is making it seem ten times worse, but you'll be fine really. And if you're reading this then you are obviously still with us, so you are ok. :)

Cathy xxx

01-07-08, 22:00
thankyou cathy i was just dead worried again thankyou for your reassurance xx

Cathy V
01-07-08, 22:18
Thats ok, its why we're here. Try to relax, i know its difficult and night-time always makes things seem much worse, but even if the anxiety doesnt go away completely for a while, just try your best to accept that it is only anxiety thats making more of your head pressure and pain. Great fun this health anx yes?

Cathy xxx :)

01-07-08, 22:22
isnt it just is such a nightmare wish it would go for good hope you are well and thanks agin xx