View Full Version : Need Some Advice

02-07-08, 07:29
Hi all.... well im back again with a new worry :mad:

I need some help in working out what the guy who did my ultrasound on my arm said to me today.

I have had this lump on my upper arm for about 2 years now. I went to my dr about 6 to 8 months ago and he said it was just a clump of fatty tissue .... i cant remember if he gave it a name or not but he said it was nothing to worry about so i just left it.

Anyway ive been anxious lately after dizzyness from Labrithitis... which i thought was MS/BrainTumor. Then muscle twitching started so i thought i had MND/ALS......(happy to report the twitching has gone)

The 5 weeks ago during my anxious period i noticed a dull ache comming from my upper arm. Wasnt sure if it was Anxiety related or not.

So on Saturday i went to another Dr and asked about the lump as i thought this might be causing my pain.

She refered to my lump as a Lipoma and that she was 99% sure.

I then went for my arm ultrasound and xray this morning. During the ultrasound the guy felt my lump and said it doesnt feel like a lipoma.

He then did the ultrasound and talked me though it. He pointed out what was on on the screen.

He was sayin saying things like .... here is your bicep muscle, here is the bone, the bone looks fine, see how it dips in there, thats where it joins to the bone, this is fatty tissue ..... i couldnt work out what he was "really" saying ..... i interpeted that he was saying it looked normal.

He then told me he could not see a lipoma. (Which scared me cos i wanted the lipoma as its benign)

He then called in another Dr to have a look at it, which scared me. He said i was getting 2 opinions for the price of 1.

Then when he had finished i had to go in for the arm x-ray .... i asked him
"so its ok then"

he didnt say yes or no ....... he said:

"well this was your bicep muscle which was here, and here is the dip and this bit is here, and this bit (he then squeezed my lump) is just you"

So do you think hes telling me that its all normal???????

My results are ready now but dont want to go pick them up. Its 4pm anyway and they close at 5 so ill go tomororw.... which gives me another 18 hours of worry - well only if i let it... try hard not to.

02-07-08, 08:38
Your US sounds pretty normal to me. I was referred to a consultant 4 years ago because I fell off my horse and damaged my arm which resulted in a lump on the bicep - does this sound similar to yours?

I was never referred for u/s and was told it was a popeye muscle. Found this:

Because the torn tendon can no longer keep the muscle taut, you may also notice a bulge in the upper arm (Popeye muscle).

The lump has never really disappeared and if I flex both bicep muscles, you can see that the right one doesn't look quite the same but it's more cosmetic than anything. I don't have any other problems although for quite a while after the injury it was weak and I couldn't lift much.

02-07-08, 10:22
hiya it all sound like it fine to me hun, so no panic go get results and it will put your mind at rest. let us know when u get back and it will be fine. from wot u said its all normal. hugs to u xxxx

02-07-08, 11:05
Well i just went and got my results ...... couldnt wait till tomororw lol

No lipoma was noted, either was a mass of any kind.

So if my lump was cancer it would show up as a whitish matter right?? Both my ultrasound and xray were clear, so if it were a tumor i assume it would show up. So does that mean my lump is just normal benign fatty tissue?

02-07-08, 11:21
Both my ultrasound and xray were clear

these people really do know what they are looking for. "if" cancer of some form was detected, there is no way they would report your results as normal.