View Full Version : Gas man is here!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!

02-07-08, 13:49
Well that time of year for the gas service. Was ok waiting for him but am now feeling anxious & panicky. I want him gone!!!!!!!! He's a very pleasant man but omg I feel rotten & he's only just started:ohmy: :ohmy:

Anyone else feel like this when someone visits or work gotta be done? I was gonna cancel it but then I knew that at some point I would have to have it done.:lac: :lac:

Gonna play some games & try & take my mind off of it. Chit this is soooooooooooo silly.

What a silly moo I am.:whistles: :whistles: :scared15: :scared15: :noangel: :noangel:

Gonna be worse when he comes in here (living room) to do the fire!! Oh no!!:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:


02-07-08, 13:51
hiya aww poor u, i hope he gone soon and i am the same too. keep playing games hun and just dont offer him any tea and he may get thirsty and go hehe xx

Cathy V
02-07-08, 13:55
Wot are you pair like! give the poor man a drink :D

02-07-08, 14:02
:D :D :D :ohmy: :ohmy:

He don't wanna drink, I just asked him, phew!!!!!!!!!! loooooooooooool:scared15: :scared15: :scared15: :scared15:

Think he might be nearly finished.

Thanks donna for your reply, thanks cathy for making me feel bad about the drink, obviously u don't know what it's like:huh: :huh: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Cathy V
02-07-08, 14:05
Hey elspeth, i was just trying to make you smile is all...I meant no offence.

02-07-08, 14:05
i no exactly have u feel! bless ya,
u will think to yourself when hes gone that there was nothing to worry about lol!
maybe making him a cup of tea is a good idea kinda keep ya mind ocupied 4 a min!
its wen they start talking to you that the worst isnt it i hate it when people talk to me i never no wat to say or it all comes out in the wrong way!
chin up hell b gone soon xxx

02-07-08, 14:24
Hey he gone:D :D Phew.

Thanks very much donna cathy n kezza for keeping me company during this time.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


02-07-08, 14:30
no problem thats what were all here 4 .

02-07-08, 16:15
glad he has gone and u r ok hugs xxx