View Full Version : Big Big Favour!

The Fool
02-07-08, 15:00
ok guys as you may no im starting my own online teen magzine!

www.Fabulousmag.piczo.com (http://www.Fabulousmag.piczo.com)

and well its not done yet but im gona need a big huge favour from you guys.
if you dont mind could you maybe give me some embarasing stories for my embarsing moments page? i have none at the moment and i will be adding my own but i need some more.if you wish i shall put them anonamously <probs not how you spell it,please if you wish to help me KEEP THEM CLEAN! lol it would be a massive massive help and hopefully once i get some readers they will send me there own but if you do wish ot help me please print them below or pm me pleeeeeeeeease help! the mag has to be up by the 20th of july! so hurry!

charli x

Cathy V
02-07-08, 15:15
Hi charli, dont know if its any help but if you go back to 16/6/08 to a thread started by Kellie called 'Funny/embarassing stories you might be able to use some of these. Alot of us contributed to the thread and some of them are really funny so it might be worth a look? you might need to ask them all if you can use them, but im sure they wouldnt mind! Good luck with the mag, sounds great.

Take care
Cathy xxx :)

The Fool
02-07-08, 15:21
thanks! but id sorta like people to post them to me so i can no if im aloud to print names or not

Cathy V
02-07-08, 15:51
Yes you're right and if i think of any i'll let you know..xx

The Fool
02-07-08, 21:53