View Full Version : Please help! - health anxiety

02-07-08, 16:55
I've suffered with health anxiety for about 7 months now and I'm having CBT ( although at the moment, I seem to be getting worse rather than better ) A couple of weeks ago I started occasionally getting a strange sensation in my head as though, just for a moment, my head was too heavy to hold up and I felt as though it would jerk or twitch violently but it never did. When it happened it passed quickly but was a bit scary. Today it happened while I was in a meeting at work and the feeling was really intense. It came over me in a wave and immediately it happened my legs went wobbly and my palms were clammy. I breathed deeply and it went quite quickly, but it left me feeling really wobbly all day and quite frankly, terrified. Is this a panic atack or have I got something else wrong with me - ( obviously, I'm thinking brain tumour - there, I said it! )
Please can anyone reassure, support, comfort.........whatever.
Thanks so much
Clare xx

02-07-08, 17:10
My 'episodes' are the same as this Clare. I don't really have a panic attack as such. Something, suddenly goes wrong. I feel faint, my arms or legs go weak or I feel like I'm going to fall asleep. At that point I'm likely to get a proper PA because it's so wrong I immediately worry big time.
Mrs Inchy says she can tell when I have a 'turn' because I suddenly look all distant and withdrawn. I think it's the same as a panic attack, but more physical. I would have died of it if there was something serious going on by now, so the only thing I think it could be other than anxiety is some sort of migraine effect (most of the time I don't have or get a migraine - it's rare I ever have one).

Anyway I wouldn't worry too much, but if you find out there's a cause I'd love to know, because I've got the same thing :)


02-07-08, 21:24
do u know what i get this too my head feels to heavy for my body and feels almost like its gonna fall off my body! im not alone xxxxx