View Full Version : flashing lights, and things moving.

02-07-08, 17:30
Hi, my name is beki and i am after soome advice/make me feel better? does anybody have the feeling of seeing lights(i know flashing lights) but also i get that but i also get a feeling like things are moving just for a split second towards me. and its freaking me out! xxx

02-07-08, 18:02
i do see light quite often beki which is horrible but im sure its my anxiety, and somtimes i get the feeling things are comin closer to me especially when im trying to concentrate. its a horrible feeling i also suffer with alot of dizziness. have u had ur eye sight checked recently could also be that.

hope this puts ur mind at rest a bit Jo xxxx

02-07-08, 19:03
I wonder if the effect of things coming towards you has more to do with tiredness. I've not suffered with that although I do sometimes get coloured lights and even dead spots where I can't really focus at all. Could also be eyestrain of course. Staring at a fixed distance, like at a computer screen for a while, can have odd effects including watery eyes. I also get migraines and really should get a new prescription for my glasses. Sometimes it's just our body's way of saying, "Hey take break".

Any of that have any similarities to you Beki?

03-07-08, 12:42
its like if i stare at the screen for too long or a book or magazine i suddendly go woah its seems to move ever so slightly .had eyes tested about six months ago and everything was fine but might check in againt o see but haves. also seen a nurolgist who checked my eyes...scares me!!! feel so dizzy!!!

03-07-08, 13:17
What was the nurolgist's opinion Beki?

One other thing this brings to mind is an inner-ear infection called Labyrinthitis that I had years ago. I had to struggle to balance and it made me feel 'spaced out'. Some of the symptoms can include:

• Shifting of objects - can be subtle or severe - for example: when turning a corner or looking down, the environment or objects can significantly move.

• Can often visibly see the ground “breathing” – moving slightly.

- source: http://www.labyrinthitis.org.uk/page3.htm

Here's an NHS Direct (http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/articles/article.aspx?articleId=226&sectionId=10) as well.

Even if it's not that exactly, it might still be something to do with the inner ear. Of course it could also be, 'just one of those things'. A little odd but nothing to be concerned about health wise.

Can you remember when this started, is it only a recent thing?

03-07-08, 15:24
t happenend last year after i had a viral infection/car crash/allergic reaction... its on and off but feel pretty horrible last few days have been bad and it drives me slightly crazy. the nuro guy said that i was ok he did all the tests looked in my eyes and my ears and did all the reflexes that would say if there was a chance i had a brain tumour!!! which i dont think i have. did think dont anymore. arghh maybe it is just anxiety??!!!