View Full Version : anxious thoughts regarding my husband!

02-07-08, 17:43
Hi everyone
Feeling a little anxious today regarding my husband this time. He has chrohns disease(not too bad though) and was diagnosed in April after a number of tests,he has recently had a blood test and we got a letter from the gp's this morning asking him to go back for a repeat test as his white blood cell count is raised so I'm feeling very worried now. He seems fine but that means nothing sometimes as we all know. He is on steriods and I have read the leaflet in case it is a side effect but there is nothing mentioned about them affecting the blood. He is going in the morning to get the 2nd one done but I know I'll spend the next week worrying as usual. Does anybody else have any idea's on what this white blood thing might mean?
A very concerned Mothermac xxxx

02-07-08, 18:43
Hi Mothermac,

I can understand you are worried about your husband:hugs:.
Steroids do affect white blood cells, well at least they should, they are meant to do that, that is why your husband is taking them, to prevent inflammation. In Chron's immune system is overreacting resulting in inflammation and white blood cells will be raised. Maybe the steroid dose is not high enough or the steroid he is taking should be changed to work better. Or maybe it was just a mistake and when he does it again it will be alright:shrug:...
I believe it will not be anything serious.
I hope this makes sense and helps at least a bit...