View Full Version : Bone isotope scan

02-07-08, 19:25
Hi all

Has anyone on here ever had one of these. This is where they inject a radioactive dye into your vein and then take pictures. I might have to have one in a few weeks to help diagnose an inflammatory arthritic condition. What I want to know is whether this is the type of scan where you have to lie still in a long tunnel cos I don't think I could do that.

02-07-08, 19:55
My mum had one about 8 years ago because she had secondary bone cancer and she said that the machine just came down on top of her which she found a bit scary but she was't enclosed in anything as it was like being the filling in a sandwich! She was terribly claustrophobic and refused an mri scan cos of going in the tunnel. The only one that totally enclosed is mri and I think maybe pet scan.