View Full Version : Please can someone reassure me:-(:-(

02-07-08, 20:33
Please can someone reassure me about this palpatations I am getting.

I have had them now for 9 days. I am having id say about 10 a day and mainly when I am relaxed at night watching tv. I have suffered anxiety for 10 yrs and never had these before, other than when I was pregnant.

Tonight I have had about 10 in the last 90 minutes. I am not anxious, I am just at my friends house babysitting. I was just on the phone to my husband, my little girl is a tad under the weather and when I left her she had calpol and was nodding off, I hate leaving them when they are ill and burning up but hubby is there and she has been like it for a few days so im trying not to worry about her but maybe thats kicking the palps off, I dunno but I am really scared that palps are something serious and that I am just going to drop dead or something.

I am working tomorrow and friday, otherwise id get in at the GP tomorrow so that I can get these checked and reassure myself but I can't leave my boss im the lurch as I am working to cover for someone else.

When I get them they are like an extra beat in my chest and bottom of my throat, I then breath quickly and then it goes so its a few seconds at the most but bloody hell its scaring me:-(

Please can someone reassure me? I am too scared to google it.

I am sorry to post again, I am just so scared tonight:weep:

02-07-08, 20:54
Hiya libby hun, plz plz try not to be over worried about the palps. nothing bad is going to happen to you ok you will not have a heart attack and drop dead. palps are normally a result of to much adrenalin in your systom. seems as you have had anx for ten years hun your are lucky to never have had them befor as they are a very common symptom of anx /panic attack
ive heard quite a few times about palps coming when a person is quite relaxed and they get puzzled about this but it very commen
what happens is the arenalin is still pumping through you and you are not being active so it makes the heart beat faster
if you could do some fast walking on the evening or a little jogging ( even on the spot ) it would help to use the adrenalin up
what im trying to say is exercise is the key to getting it out.
stay away from caffine and fizzy drinks after 4 pm if you can
but all in all hun you are ok you just need to use the excess arenalin up in your body


02-07-08, 20:59
Thanks Kellie,

I haven't been running for a while due to an injury but I am too scared to start again now, lol!

I hope my GP can tell me they are normal, I wish I could get to see him tomorrow but I am working:-(

I have been under alot of stress recently but its just so strange how they occur when I am relaxed.

Thanks so much for your reply.

02-07-08, 21:04
What you're getting is Ectopic heart beats, they are perfectly normal so long as your heart beats in a steady rythm apart from the missed beats.
Any part of your heart is capable of producing an extra beat - read more about it here -

Best wishes

02-07-08, 21:05
Arrr now libby hun if you have been under a lot of stress latly no wonder the adrenalin has built up. stress release adrenalin into your body just in case it needs to fight back for some reason. its the fight or flight symdrom. im sure when you do get to see your doc he will reasure you. try to stay calm so you dont help it along and have a good day at work.

take care


02-07-08, 21:09

My pulse feels ok, just had a feel, lol!

We went to france for a week and i was very anxious being away from home and i hate flying. They started at the airport last monday, we had an 6 hour wait it was horrific. Since then I have been plagued by them:-(

02-07-08, 21:15
They will go in time, just don't let them get to you ,just brush 'em off 'cos you know they are harmless and they will gradually go away.
I used to get loads every day, now I only get them once in a while.


02-07-08, 21:44
I had these really bad over christmas and the following weeks, I went to docs and had ECG which frightened me to death in case they found something but it was normal. I then got into a panic and thought it was wrong and went back to docs again and its stress. The more you worry the more you get them, I was getting the missed beats and was always checking my pulse and dreaded going to bed at night as it then starts and it then goes round in your head. Its horrible I know as have been there. I don't check my pulse anymore as hate to hear the missed beats and I just try to get the better of it and tell myself I am not listening....

go to docs for peace of mind but its anxiety and worrying when you have kids about dropping dead is whats doing it, I am the same.

take care x

02-07-08, 21:44
Thanks Decca,

I think if I knew for certain they were harmless then I would ignore them but when I have heard from some people they can be linked to serious problems I freak out.

02-07-08, 21:54
Hiya Libby, i started getting chest pains and my heart felt like it was racing, i got these when i was sitting watching tv. I felt the best thing was to play a game with my daughter or go online and play some games - i know it sounds stupid but my mind was on the games and it took the pain and heart racing away. I am sure you are fine (sure being the most unreassuring word you can say to a panic attack sufferrer:) ) but you seem to have been under some stress and even though at the time you feel relaxed your body still likes to play tricks on you and to some degree you are still most likely worrying about the stressful things.

Hope this helps a bit x :D