View Full Version : New to this site

03-07-08, 09:59
Hello, my name is andy, and i live in reno nevada. I just joined this site due to my OCD and depression. I just came back from Israel, Egypt and Jordan and decided to get off of my meds. I have been having the weeirdst dreams in the world, and that is why i joined this site.

03-07-08, 10:30
Hiya welcome to the site. I have wierd dreams all the time. I always have but when i increased my meds they went wierder.

03-07-08, 10:44
:welcome: Glad you have stumbled upon us! :)
You will receive lots of advice and help here, its a friendly site so keep posting.
Big Hugs
C xxx :hugs:

milly jones
03-07-08, 11:39
hi andy

welcome to nmp hun

im milly from wales

wow u certainly travel dont u lol

its good to have nmp friends throughout the globe

milly xx

03-07-08, 14:18
hi and welcome to nmp you will meet some lovely people here and get some great advice and support. hugs xxx

03-07-08, 14:55
Hi Andy,

Welcome to the site. Many here feel like you do and you will get support. Wow, I would love to go to Egypt someday!

Take care,


03-07-08, 16:20
HI and Welcome along to NMP

I've been having the weirdest dreams ever since I started my meds. LOL

Pooh x

05-07-08, 22:19
Hi Andy and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

06-07-08, 16:54
Hi Andy

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get some great support and advice here.

12-07-08, 17:39
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx