View Full Version : holiday

03-07-08, 10:13
Hi, I go on holiday tomorrow & I am in a right state today. I just keep thinking I should cancel it 'cos then I would feel better but then I would just feel so gulity cos my partner is so looking forward to it. I just don't want to have panic attacks whilst I am there, or on the flight. I feel so low. I just don't know what to do to make myself feel better. xx

03-07-08, 11:09

i really feel for you i am the same if we are going away it is one of the things i find very hard to be away from home to long ,but try and think you might be scared now and get there all might be ok try worry when you have something to worry about is what ppl say to me hard i know but if you are anx now it will probs set off a pa Hun so try relax and think if you were not well there is someone there that can help you the same as there is at home that seems to help me calm down some

good luck i hope you have a nice time and panic free:hugs:

03-07-08, 11:53
Where is it you're going, Jane? Like you, I get terribly anxious before travelling. I got in a real state last year before a trip to Paris. I'd been before and had a lovely time, but I still got very scared beforehand. I did go, and I did have a few anxiety attacks and a few hairy moments, but I also had lots of good moments, made some lovely memories, and now I'm glad I went. All the very best and I hope you have a lovely time. xxx

03-07-08, 12:59
we are off to Menorca. Seem to have calmed down quite a lot now from this morning when I posted this. I have got all my clothes out to pack & am now quite excited! Although I will be terrible tomorrow morning when we set off! My IBS will be through the roof! wish I could take the toilet with me in the car! lol thanks for your words Samira & Jodie, it made me feel better. Will post when I get back to say how I got on! xxxx

03-07-08, 13:45
Keep looking at all the good things - nice weather, relaxing, sea, sand just you and your partner! Keep them in mind it really helps!

03-07-08, 13:50
Hi Janey

I too am going on holiday on Saturday and i love flying usually but i haven't been on a plane for nearly 2 years so am a bit apprehensive. I suffer with ocd and since booking the holiday it has come on loads more, i have a fear of blurting things out on the plane and making myself look foolish. I know i will be ok once i get on the plane and sat down but at the moment whilst at work i am really winding myself up about it.

If you or anybody has got any advice for me then i would really welcome it. I haven't been on this site for months but am feeling the pressure at the mo.

Am glad your feeling better and have calmed down, i dont feel too bad but its just when im sat thinking about it.


03-07-08, 17:01
hey janey,
you are going to have the best holiday ever with your lovely boy. dont forget honey even people without anxiety get a bit apprehensive before travelling, some of what you are feeling is completely normal but just think this time tomorrow you will be soaking up the lovely sun and will feel so proud of yourself. use this break as a chance to recharge your batteries honey.
have the lovliest holiday
love kelly xxx

03-07-08, 17:33
Hiya Janey
Just wanted to say have a fab holiday and i hope the sun shines for you.

04-07-08, 15:36
Have a great time and I hope you manage to cope ok.

Take Care,

Love Pips X X