View Full Version : strange thoughts

03-07-08, 10:48
Ok this is a wierd one and its hard to explain. I have health anxiety along with other things but mine is not about physical illness its about mental illness. I have quite bad dr at the moment and have lots of wierd thoughts which i understand is a symptom of anxiety but i keep scaring myself by thinking that i am only existing thorugh my thoughts. Its like i think well surely if all im thinking is that im mad, then i must be cos i cant think of anything else. i know it doesnt make sense but just wondering if anyone else suffers like this. going thru a rough few days.

04-07-08, 07:58
Hiya mate,

This feeling of going mad and weird thoughts is my latest symptom and I think it's probably the worse yet over the years because I feel that I have no control over my mind. It does pass and it WILL pass, I promise- your mind seems to eventually wear itself out I think

Take care mate

Siobhan x

04-07-08, 09:25
I've done this as well and it can be very upsetting. Its particulary difficult to talk about as its hard to explain to someone not famailar with it. You seem caught between wanting to tell people what you are thinking, but anxious that they may think you are mad and at the same time anxious that you actually are mad. I agree with Siobhan though, they will definitely fade with time. In the meantime just tell yourself that as you're a bit under the weather at the moment you may not be able to easily discard thoughts and feelings that upset you. Dwelling on these thoughts and feelings doesn't mean we're mad or crazy....they are just one more thing to fixate on and be anxious about. Take care, and try not to worry about it if you can-it really will get better.